By Debra L. Butterfield Self-publishing vs. traditional publishing is most certainly a major question on the minds of today’s writers—Which path should I take? The advent of print on demand (POD) and CreateSpace (now Kindle Direct Publishing) and other companies like them, made getting one’s book published much more accessible. Let’s examine how each works. […]
What Does a Book Editor Do? And Do You Need One?
By Debra L. Butterfield What does a book editor do? That’s a question many writers might ask themselves. The simple answer is they edit books [insert smiley face emoji]. So the more specific question is, What’s involved in editing a book? The answer to that will lead us to the answer of the question, Do […]
Memoirs: How to Start Writing a Book About Your Life
In this article, I am going to show you how to start writing a book about your life. The process may seem daunting at first, but with this step-by-step approach, you will be on your way. A memoir is about life experiences. In all honesty, it is not really about you. It’s more about taking […]
10 Steps to Self-Publishing a Book
Many people dream of writing a book and seeing it in print, but the process can be long and arduous if you are going the route of using a traditional publisher. Yet, another option with several benefits that have been growing in popularity over the last several years is self-publishing. No longer do we […]
Learn to Write Books as a First-Time Author
Guest Post by Heather Erdmann My bucket list was only three items long. I wanted to read the Bible from cover-to-cover, run a marathon, and learn to write books. I had accomplished the first two many times over by the time I was 42 years old. But, when my 50th birthday came and went with […]
Christian Writing and the Role of Critique Groups
Guest Post By Debra L. Butterfield With Christian writing and the role of critique groups, I can’t say enough good about critique groups. I have participated in a critique group almost the entire time I’ve been freelance writing. They are an ideal platform for learning and improving your writing skills as well as gaining motivation […]
Journey of Writing a First Christian Novel
Writing a First Christian Novel, a funny thing happened on my journey, I wrote and published 5 nonfiction books instead. Like many writers, I had a couple of unfinished fiction manuscripts residing on my hard drive long before I made the decision to actively pursue getting published. I wrote because I wanted to be a […]
Writing as Ministry – How to Reach the Right Audience
Today’s topic: Writing as Ministry – How to Reach the Right Audience
Online Writing Groups
Online writing groups can be a great way to connect with others and help push your writing forward. What are the benefits of joining online writing groups? How do you go about finding the right online writing group? How do we make the most of our online writing group experience? These are some of the […]
Becoming a Christian Writer
Have you ever thought about becoming a Christian writer? Are you a person who senses a calling from God to write words that impact others? Christian writing is something that God has used powerfully down through the ages in order to encourage and help draw people to Himself. It’s our hope that this post will […]