In this article, I am going to show you how to organize notes for writing a book. There are different techniques you can use to organize your notes to help you keep focus on the task at hand. I am going to share three that I have tried and what I liked and disliked about […]
Today’s topic: Useful
Three of the Best Book Writing Apps to Check Out
Guest Post by EO Writes What comes to your mind when you hear the words book writing app? If you are like me, you want a book writing app that gives value, ease, and seamless results. A book writing app that makes good on its promise. Writing a book is no small feat. You need […]
Ingramspark vs KDP: Which is the Best Option for You?
Guest Post by EO Writes In this article, we are going to consider Ingramspark vs KDP. We will look at what they have in common and which one I like the best. I hope by the conclusion of this article you will have a good sense of which one is best for you. As a […]
3 Simple Ways to Make Time for Writing in Busy Seasons
If your days feel packed and writing keeps getting pushed to the bottom of your list, you’re not alone. The good news? You don’t need hours of free time to make progress on your book. Today, I’ll share three practical ways to make time for writing, even in your busiest seasons—so you can start fresh […]
Self vs Traditional Publishing: How They Work and Which is Better?
Self-publishing vs. traditional publishing is most certainly a major question on the minds of today’s writers—Which path should I take? The advent of print on demand (POD) and CreateSpace (now Kindle Direct Publishing) and other companies like them, made getting one’s book published much more accessible. Let’s examine how each works. The Basics of Traditional […]
Today’s topic: Desert
What Does a Book Editor Do? And Do You Need One?
By Debra L. Butterfield What does a book editor do? That’s a question many writers might ask themselves. The simple answer is they edit books [insert smiley face emoji]. So the more specific question is, What’s involved in editing a book? The answer to that will lead us to the answer of the question, Do […]
20 Things I’ve Learned in 20 Years of Online Business
20 Things I’ve Learned in 20 Years of Online Business This year marks 20 years since I began my online business journey, and what a journey it has been! It’s been filled with both challenges and blessings, but through it all, God has taught me so much. As I reflect on the last two decades, […]
Memoirs: How to Start Writing a Book About Your Life
In this article, I am going to show you how to start writing a book about your life. The process may seem daunting at first, but with this step-by-step approach, you will be on your way. A memoir is about life experiences. In all honesty, it is not really about you. It’s more about taking […]