What is the main goal of your author website? It should be to connect with readers and build a relationship where they grow to know, like, and trust you.
Before we get into the strategy of your author website, remember you don’t have to do this alone. If the technology overwhelms you, consider outsourcing this part. Hire someone, find a volunteer, or barter services with another author. Don’t skip this part just because it feels overwhelming. Find a way to accomplish your goals.
Domain name
- Have your own URL vs. a free one
- Have an e-mail address from your URL vs. a free one
- Much more professional than free. It is a solid foundation where you can continue to grow.
Where will your author website live?
- I recommend WordPress self-hosted websites. Many authors outgrow free platforms like Blogger and then it is not easy to change later on. Plus, there are issues with WordPress.com (deleting sites for breaking terms of service, offensive ads, etc.)
- Website hosting – I recommend InMotion hosting. Once your site grows consider getting a virtual private server (VPS). That’s what I have now and use Servint.
- Have your website and blog hosted on the same URL to avoid confusion and to keep things simple.
- I use and recommend StudioPress themes for your site. For ShelleyHitz.com, I am using Michael Hyatt’s “Get Noticed” theme.
- If you need technical help with your website, I recommend WPcurve.
What pages should you include in your author website?
You want to ask yourself this question, “What is the main purpose of each page?” For example: signing up for your newsletter, buying your book, reading your bio, etc. You want it to be as simple as possible because a confused mind says “no”.
You can include static pages which are your information pages as well as blog posts. Not every author needs to blog, so don’t start a blog unless it fits well in your overall marketing strategy.
The first 6 pages listed below are what I would consider essential and the last four are optional.
- Homepage
- About
- Book pages – You can use My Book Table Plugin – to add your books to your WordPress self-hosted website.
- Contact – make sure to include a contact form
- E-mail list signup page – Offer an ethical bribe in exchange for their e-mail address. This should be your #1 goal when visitors come to your website. I will cover this extensively in book #3 in this series.
- Disclaimer/Legal – you can see what I include on my legal page here.
- Resources – Apart from your about page, your resources page will be one of your highest visited pages on your website.
- Blog – a landing page for your blog posts (also sign up for gravatar)
- Events – speaking events, etc.
- Media page – links to press releases/interviews, links to download a media package (headshot, bio, etc.) etc.
What content should you include?
Make sure to include the following in your author website:
- Make it about your reader, not about you.
- Add tons of value.
- Use a call to action on every page.
What should you include in your sidebar?
On your author website sidebar, here are some suggestions on what you can include:
- E-mail list sign up
- Featured book
- Links to popular blog posts
- Progress on your next book – here’s a cool tool you can use.
I know I have just touched the tip of the iceberg when it comes to setting up your virtual home, your author website. What other questions do you have or tips you can share with other authors?
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