Are you looking for a list of the must-have resources for Christian writers in 2024? If so, we’ve got a list we curated from nominations from writers like you. Enjoy!
This post is sponsored by Christian Book Academy.
Here’s how we picked our annual list of top resources for Christian Writers:
We reached out to our audience and asked for nominations in seven categories:
- Books that have inspired your writing or deepened your faith as a writer
- Websites that offer valuable advice, tips, and community for Christian writers
- Podcasts to keep you informed and inspired on your writing path
- Writing Apps that have become indispensable tools in your writing process
- Conferences where you gained knowledge, networked with peers, or found encouragement. These can be conferences that are online or in-person.
- Courses that have significantly improved your writing craft or understanding of the industry.
- Other resources not covered by the categories above.
Although nominations are closed for this year, share your favorite resources not mentioned in the comments below.
Our audience nominated the recommendations below. However, some links may be affiliate links where we will earn a small commission.
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Books for Writers
This year’s nominated must-read books for Christian Writers help you partner with God as you write your book. Please note that not all books nominated approach the topic from a Christian worldview.
1. Grace over Grind: How Grace Will Take Your Business Where Grinding Can’t by Shae Bynes
“It’s a resource for Christian entrepreneurs. Shae Bynes provides scripture, testimonies, and application exercises to help you on your journey to receive God’s best and increase Kingdom impact within your sphere of influence.” – Helen
2. Christian Writers Market Guide – 2024 Edition by Steve Laube
“This resource is updated yearly and provides valuable information about various resources.” – Pat Otwell
3. Brainstorm Your Book Idea: How to Get a Book out of Your Heart and onto the Page by Jennifer Kochert & Mindy Kiker
“A helpful resource for brainstorming, thinking through the practical details of a book, steps to take to write, author tips.” – Lisa Blair
4. How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method by Randy Ingermanson
“Although it isn’t explicitly Christian, I can say it seriously helped my writing journey by giving me tools to help plan out books. I used to get stuck, trying to figure out where my stories would go and quitting halfway, but since reading and applying the snowflake method, it has been a massive improvement! For Christian writers who feel like they can’t start writing, or love structure, I recommend this!” – Jasmine
5. Scene & Structure (Elements of Fiction Writing) by Jack M. Bickham
“This book was key to me understanding what a scene entailed, how to develop a scene, and how to move from one scene to the next.” – Debra Butterfield
6. The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Expression by Becca Puglisi & Angela Ackerman
“It helps with finding the right words to describe emotions and how they impact the character. I love the page setup and details describing: the mental state, physical state, body language, behaviors, speech, etc… Each emotion listed also has examples and writing tips.” – Grace Ciszkowski
7. How to Edit Your Novel: Practical Tips for Strengthening Your Story by Karin Beery
“I found this book to be very engaging to read through and full of information, examples, and questions to help novel writers strengthen their stories.” – Megan
8. Red Sneaker Writers Book Series (10 book series) by William Bernhardt
“This series consists of about 10 inexpensive books, each focusing on a single aspect of the writing world, including style, editing, plot, character development, dialogue, description, publishing, and more. Even though I do not write fiction, this material helps me craft my short stories to be more interesting. What I like about these books is the fact that they are short, fun reads with concise secrets from a renowned author.
They’re written in conversation style as if you were sitting down and asking him specific questions. You can pick and choose any book you want or all of them and they are also available for checkout on Overdrive and as audiobooks. I like that because I can easily absorb it while driving when I don’t have time to sit still with the book in my hand. I heard and met the author at a writers conference. He truly wants to help other writers succeed.” – Tammy Kutscher
9. The Roar on the Other Side Complete Poetry Workbook Guide for Students by Suzanne Underwood Rhodes
“This is an excellent resource for poetry writers. The author gives detailed instructions on elements of good poetry and literary terms, and she uses biblical passages and classic poems as examples. There are also practice exercises at the end of each chapter. While written specifically for poets it could be a useful tool for writers in general. It’s enjoyable and beautifully written.” – Joyce Wilber
10. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Ann Lamott
“This book is Humorous and down to earth counsel.” – JK Stenger
11. Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art by Madeleine L’Engle
“I truly recommend this book. Especially if you want to read about creating and writing, being an artist and a Christian, and the intertwining of these subjects, then this book is for you. At the end of the book is a chapter with questions suitable for conversation in a book club.” – Eline
12. From Stuck to Success: Conquer Your Fears and Achieve Your Writing Dreams by Sharon Rose Gibson
“It’s a good book full of reminders and tips to turn to when you can’t face the blank page. I highly recommend it!” – Jackie
13. How to Stop Procrastinating: Powerful Strategies to Overcome Laziness and Multiply Your Time by Daniel Walter
“I love this book for it delves into the reasons why we procrastinate. Though this book’s topic is not about writing per se, this is still essential in every writer’s arsenal for we all procrastinate in one way or another. And when we address the reasons behind it, we will be able to reach our goals faster and not just remain in our minds as dreams.” – Sharon Castillo
14. Getting Started with Amazon KDP: The Ultimate “How To Become an Author Book” by Donna Partow
“This easy to read, concise guide gave me confidence to successfully navigate setting up my Amazon Author Page and KDP accounts. The step-by-step instructions were so helpful and reduced my overwhelm for that task.” – Sherry York
15. Influence: Building a Platform that Elevates Jesus (Not Me) by Kate Motaung & Shannon Popkin
“This book helps to see how my writing represents Jesus.” – Sally Ferguson
16. #BeWorthFollowing How to Be Different and Influence People In a Crowded Social World by Dr. Jennifer M. Bennett
“This book provides practical tips and helpful tools for posting on social media.” – Sally Ferguson
17. Your First 1000 Copies The Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing Your Book by Tim Grahl
“I like the way Tim Grahl lays out his marketing system in a step-by-step manner. His insights are keen and his suggestions are actionable.” – Chuck Livermore
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Websites for Christian Writers
The nominated websites for Christian Writers serve as vital resources for those seeking to cultivate their craft while deepening their faith. Whether you are a seasoned author or just starting your writing journey, these websites provide essential tools and encouragement to help you thrive in your creative journey.
“Debra’s newsletter and blog posts are so helpful. I learn something every time she posts. Her resources are also spot on – her Cheat Sheet books have been used over and over again when I edit. I am so glad I found her.” – Mary Underwood
“CIPA is an amazing resource. It has so many resources, tools, and discounts.” – Alyssa Avant
20. Kings Daughters Writing Camp
“This website gives you the opportunity to sign up for free virtual writing camps. Ladies of all ages from around the world, come “together” to encourage each other in their writing for three months out of the year. This writing community has truly changed my writing journey, given me friendships, provided me with beta readers for books, and inspired me in so many ways. I quite possibly would not have a book on the market yet if it wasn’t for the support of the ladies at the King’s Daughters Writing Camp!” – Bethany Griggs
21. Helping Writers Become Authors
“This site by K.M. Weiland teaches all aspects of writing fiction.” – Debra Butterfield
“Patricia Durgin is passionate about helping Christian writers navigate the world of marketing. Her emails, newsletters, blogs, and webinars are a treasure trove of information with a Godly worldview. I especially love how she calls about our father to help her when teaching and/or coaching.” – TonyaAnn Pember
23. Wild At Heart
“This website has been and still is life-impacting for us as a family, for our ministry and every aspect of our lives. We especially love and use Wild at Heart “prayers we pray”. This collection of very scriptural prayers has especially been helpful for the spiritual battle that Christian writers face. These prayers have given me insight, discernment, and understanding.” – Carolann Rosenthal
Podcasts for Christian Writers
The nominated podcasts for Christian Writers offer practical advice for aspiring and established authors alike. Whether you’re seeking encouragement, craft tips, or a deeper understanding of the Christian writing community, these podcasts are sure to enlighten and motivate you.
24. Your Best Writing Life with Linda Goldfarb
“Linda (and her guests) give such great actionable advice for me as a newbie writer. I so appreciate that she shares it all — writing, audience-building, publishing, marketing, etc., to help us on our writing journey.” – Kim Stewart
“There is so much great information from a variety of authors. Every week I learn something new.” – Anonymous
25. Book Marketing Mania with Kim Stewart
“Helpful, relevant, and inspiring episodes with host Kim Stewart. Her personality and enthusiasm for marketing is infectious!” – Kristine Brown
“Kim Stewart is so practically helpful! And continues to have good guests that pass on helpful tips. The podcast is short-ish so it always gets right to the point.” – Brenda Seefeldt
26. Authentic Online Marketing with Ruthie Gray
“Practical strategies to build your audience, promote your book & manage your time from a published author.” – Cathy Lawdanski
27. Platform Launchers with John Stange
“John talks about all the aspects of running a platform and is helpful for authors/bloggers/podcasters. I love this podcast because he’s a Christian and his views and training are sound wisdom.” – Kim Griffin
28. Keep Writing Podcast by Nika Maples
“You will be inspired and encouraged when you listen to this podcast.” – Lisa
29. Write from the Deep Podcast with Karen Ball
“This is a great writing podcast for anyone who feels overwhelmed with the creative process, needs encouragement, or simply needs to return to the heart of why we write.” – Becca
30. Kingdom Writers with CJ and Shelley Hitz
“When I have listened to it, I have found that it was one of the more valuable writer podcasts that I have listened to, and it both would share ideas regarding how to improve writing, but also doing so while looking to the Lord.” – Joshua
“I love how supportive it is and how I feel like despise my own doubts, it is ok for me to be a writer and want to touch the lives of others.” – Paula
Writing Apps
The nominated writing apps for Christian Writers help provide innovative tools designed to enhance the creative process. Whether you’re drafting a novel, journaling your thoughts, or exploring new writing techniques, these apps empower you to express your creativity.
31. Grammarly
“Grammarly is best for day-to-day writing such as blogs. Gives all of the benefits of a professional editor at a fraction of the cost.” – Anonymous
32. Pro Writing Aid
“The free version is good, but it is worth upgrading to the paid version. A versatile program that assists with many types of writing, including this comment! Has helped me immensely and has even helped me stop making the same mistakes over and over again.” – Francis Szarejko
“ProWritingAid helps me edit my writing to make it better. It also gives me a lot of categories in addition to grammar to check my writing. ProWritingAid has helped me improve as a writer. ProWritingAid gives me confidence when I write an email, submit a story, or self-publish a book.” – Sharon Gibson
“This program has many levels of editing, whether you are writing general fiction, historical, or nonfiction.” – Carole Lehr Johnson
“It has become an indispensable workbuddy when I am editing. Superb program.” – JK Stenger
33. Scrivener
“Scrivener has so many functions and organizational tools. It’s also customizable to make the writing environment inspiring.” – Lana Allen
“For me, the #1 selling point is the snapshot feature which allows me to take a snapshot of my document. I can then make all the edits I want and if I don’t like them, I can revert to the snapshot. Allows me to keep everything related to my book project in one place; allows me to write one scene per document and move those documents around with a simple drag and drop. A bulletin board that allows me to create index cards and view my story scene by scent. And so much more!” – Debra Butterfield
34. Google Docs and Google Spreadsheets
“I love Google Docs because it has an outline mode on the left side of the page, so it’s like having an always visible table of contents! The voice typing feature to quickly transcribe notes I read into it, or to speak a document. Google Sheets is useful for organizing and keeping track of things to do, courses I have acquired, ideas to do, and any large amount of easy to view things. It helps to remind me of things I have to use, to do, and can be a productivity tool. It’s also great for accounting and keeping track of sales or any other financial data. Best of all, they are both FREE!” – Lana Allen
“MS OneNote is useful to copy and paste different notes to organize and keep track of writing notes such as outlines, and draft-stage writing.” – Joshua
36. Focus@Will
“I can pick instrumental music (or ambient sounds) of my choice to play through headphones to help me keep focused while writing using either their app or by logging in at their website. I like the variety of musical style choices. They say that the audio has been treated / EQed / something else to help maximize focus, and my experience is that I’ve found it very helpful. Can’t recommend it enough.” – John Thomas
37. Freedom app
“Again, this is not a “writing app”, but it is an app that allows you to block and restrict other apps on your computer and other devices that distract you. If you know you need to be more focused and spend less time being distracted, so you can focus on writing, this app helps tremendously! You can set the “app blocking feature” for certain platforms that often distract you, you can set it for certain time periods, you can set it for certain days of the week, etc. Very useful!” – Anonymous
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Conferences for Christian Writers
These events feature a dynamic blend of workshops, keynote speakers, and networking opportunities, fostering a vibrant community of writers dedicated to honing their craft and sharing their faith. Attendees will gain valuable insights, practical tools, and inspiration to enhance their writing journey while connecting with like-minded individuals who share a passion for integrating faith into their creative pursuits.
38. Florida Christian Writers Conference
“Well organized, held at a conference resort so you never leave the site, excellent teaching by industry experts who are open and approachable, open & caring atmosphere where you feel supported in your journey as a writer. I can’t say enough good about this conference.” – Debra Butterfield
39. West Coast Christian Writers Conference
“I attended the WCCWC in person last year and it was more than I could have imagined. I traveled from Los Angeles to Bridgeway Church in Roseville, CA, and attended a Crew meeting on Wednesday which sparked a fire in me to really pursue a business in writing. The workshops on Thursday and Friday were plentiful and loaded with information to grow on for years. The staff and participants were amazing and the opportunities to share my work were plentiful. The book fair on Saturday was icing on the cake and I loved every minute. Jesus was in the center of it all. It’s a Must Do!” – Joyce Wilber
“This is a conference for all kinds of Christian creatives (not just writers), but there are a lot of resources for writers. There are two tracks of writing sessions with experienced faculty. The group sessions and worship are very encouraging and refreshing.” – Megan
“The Well Conference is a Holy Spirit-filled experience that serves Christian Creatives to be equipped and refreshed in their creative journey. Many writers also have God-given gifts in speaking, music, theater/film, comedy, marketing, and more. The Well is a place to grow in all these areas with writing at the core. I love that this conference also has breakout sessions for art, personal growth, and Biblical studies helping attendees to be replenished and Biblically sound in their craft. The Well isn’t just a conference, it’s a community filled with celebration, encouragement, and collaboration. The worship and prayer covering brings a special anointing as the Holy Spirit is ushered in for the weekend. All who are thirsty will be filled with the overflowing living water at The Well.” – Victoria Chapin
41. Kingdom Writers Conference
“The speakers share training that is important and useful for writing, yet it does not exclude looking to the Lord while doing so, and putting Him first.” – Joshua
Courses for Christian Writers
In a world where storytelling meets faith, Christian writers hold a unique position to inspire, educate, and uplift through their words. The nominated courses for Christian writers are designed to equip aspiring and seasoned authors with the tools they need to express their faith authentically and creatively.
42. How to Write a Bible Study with Mindy Kiker and Jenny Kochert
“Great step-by-step masterclass e-course with a digital workbook that took me from wanting to write a Bible study to publishing three Bible studies – so far! I appreciate how Mindy and Jenny gave parameters for dreaming out loud, things to think about (Bible study approach – make sure you are not copying someone else!), and practical examples which helped me progress from dream stage to publishing.” – Lisa Blair
43. Jerry Jenkins Novel Blueprint
“He does and is successful at what he teaches; it’s step-by-step teaching, downloadable exercises that apply to your current work, encouraging.” – Debra Butterfield
44. Created to Thrive by Matt Tommey
“This course provides online courses, podcasts, books, and a community with practical and God-centered advice, techniques, and strategies to start and sustain the creative process. These courses instruct us to listen to and trust the desires that God has planted in our hearts and minds. Learning is a lifelong process that helps us hone our craft.” – Janice Alexander
“He speaks to all aspects of the creative in me. He also cares and works on the heart healing that needs to take place to release that creativity.” – Jenifer Hanson
Although these nominations don’t fit in the first six categories, they still offer great help to Christian writers.
45. Memoir Private Coaching Group by Susy Flory
“Very helpful to learn memoir” – Anonymous
“Listening to these Christian meditations is calming and uplifting. The content is insightful, moreover, taking this time to focus on God helps to receive messages and ideas from God.” – Lana Allen
47. Logos
“I only recently learned about this service and my eyes about popped out of my head! It’s a massive collection of Bibles in multiple translations, and tons of books in digital form, and you can even add your hardcopy books to the resource center of the program… THEN if searching for a topic, you get a list of everywhere you can find that topic or keyword from EVERY book you have in your library (digital and hard copy) with the page number where it is located. If that’s not cool enough, you can copy/paste a quote into your Word document and… BAM! It puts the citation at the bottom of your document! Logos has a free app. The paid resource houses much more than you are going to find in the free app (of course), but I cannot wait to really put this to the test!” – Shannon
Our Books for Christian Writers
This post is sponsored by Christian Book Academy where we help you take a step of faith to finally finish your book.
Here are a few of our books for Christian writers:
48. Kingdom Writers: Move Forward in God’s Call to Write
49. 21 Prayers for Writers: Praying God’s Word Over Your Writing
50. Priestly Pens: 21 Days of Encouragement for Christian Writers
51. Kingdom Marketing Mindset for Authors
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In addition, make sure to check out all of our free training for Christian writers here.
Share Your Favorite Resources Below
What are your favorite resources for Christian writers? Share them below!
Thanks CBA. Great resources and I will spend some happy times browsing through it all. Excellent work and much appreciated..
You’re very welcome!
“The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Self-Publishing for Christians” by Sallie Dawkins lays out a wonderful big picture overview of the self-publishing process but also includes step-by-step details for getting the job done in a cost effective manner. This book includes insights and advice from several authors of non-fiction, fiction, YA, and poetry.
Thanks for sharing!
Great writing resources! Thank you for gathering these resources in one place and sharing them with us. We appreciate you!
You’re very welcome!
So lovely to see The Emotion Thesaurus on your list! A big thank you to you and those who nominated this book. Becca and I are thrilled to know it is helping writers get their amazing stories out into the world!
You’re very welcome! It’s a great resource that I’ve purchased myself as well.
Great resources! Thank you! I have used some of these resources and I agree with them.
I would love to add the St. Davids Christian Writers’ Conference in PA every June. A small gathering geared toward new Christian authors.
Thanks Sue!