There are so many things you can do when publishing and marketing your books. And some days we can feel overwhelmed with all the details.
Today, I will share with you several things that helped me be less overwhelmed and less burdened by all the things I need to do.
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Feeling Overwhelmed?
Believe me, I understand. It can feel overwhelming on certain days because there are so many things you could do.
Every day, I have to prioritize and decide what my highest impact tasks are. I have to decide the priority task I’m going to do today.
Right now it’s a season of intensity for me. I’m writing and in the middle of like 10 different book projects. I don’t normally recommend doing that much stuff all at once, but it just happened that way. And I have a ton of people helping me and I’m working with several different co-authors which really help me.
I’m also in the midst of preparing for the book launch of Broken Crayons Still Color. This is a huge project in itself!
I’ve been recording interviews for a new podcast that will be Broken Crayons Still Color podcast. It is fun, but it has a lot of details to attend to. I need to get the intro, the outro, and I need to edit these.
There’s just so much to do.
I know many of you feel the same. I know that many of you are thinking, “Ahhhhh, what is going on?”
Let’s just breathe. Take a moment to breathe.
Be Still
Today while I was sitting down in prayer, I really felt led to share what I sensed God is saying to me today.
Lately, I have felt prompted during my prayer times to write out in my journal my prayers, and then stop and try to listen to God and hear His voice. So I just listen. Then whatever I sense Him saying to me I write it out in my journals.
No, I didn’t hear an audible voice. But this is what I sensed Him saying to me today and I want to share this with you.
“Be still and know that I am God”. This is what I felt like He said to me today. That’s directly from scripture.
Then He went on to say, “Put your full weight into me. I can handle it, you can’t. You weren’t created to be able to handle everything you’re carrying, let me carry it for you. Put your burden in my hands.”
While writing this, I was picturing the burdens that I have been feeling lately. The responsibility, all the details, and just everything. I visualized myself taking rocks out of a backpack I’m carrying, and transferring that weight. I’m transferring that burden into His hands and into His care.
It’s not that the burden goes away. It’s not that the details and the decisions go away. It’s just that it’s not weighing me down anymore.
I’m trusting God to show me the way, to give me the wisdom and to give me the insight that I need. I’m trusting Him to provide the people to help me and to provide the income that I need to do the things that I sense Him calling me to do.
I encourage you to do the same today. Just release your burden to Him. “Cast your burden on Him”, the Bible says.
I want to also share a scripture to you.
I was doing an interview for one of my Broken Crayons Still Color podcast this morning. It was right after God spoke to me.
The scripture she shared was similar to this one here. This one is in Matthew 11 and I think she might have shared it from a different gospel in the New Testament.
Matthew 11:29-30 is exactly what I needed to hear today. It says, “Take my yolk upon you”.
This is Jesus speaking. He says, “Take my yoke upon you, let me teach you because I am humble and gentle in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”.
He says “Take my yoke upon you and you WILL find rest for your souls.” He doesn’t say you might.
I mean now this is a day-by-day or sometimes a minute-by-minute thing. But it says, “You will find rest for your souls”. And then it continues, “For my yoke is easy to bear and the burden I give you is light”.
His burden is easy. His burden is light.
Sometimes we are striving in our own strength. We are doing things that we think we need to do when God is just saying, “Chill, you don’t need to be chasing all these things. Keep your eyes on me, listen to me and I will show you the way.”
He keeps reminding me that I don’t have to do it on my own strength because He will provide the way. He’s going to provide the provision. If it’s His will, he will provide for what we need.
It may not be in our timing but it will happen. He will give us wisdom, and insight. So I just have to trust Him today with all the details of everything that’s going on in my life. I pray that you would too.
Let me pray for you right now before we go.
“Dear God, I thank you so much for each person reading this right now. I know what it feels like to be in the midst of a flurry of activities. To have a million things that you feel like are on a to-do list. I pray that each one of us would just take a moment to breathe. To breath in your peace, and breathe out anxiety. Lord, to transfer our burdens from carrying them ourselves to putting them into your hands.
We release our burdens to you today. Lord, I pray for each person that you would give them wisdom, insight, and provision. I pray that You would provide everything they need to be able to write, publish ad market their books.
Lord, that you would give them divine inspiration, divine guidance, and show them where to get the information they need and what to do next. That there would just be a huge burden lifted off of them right now in Jesus name.
Thank you for what you’re going to do in and through each of our lives. We give you all the glory, all the praise. Amen.”
I have another podcast interview coming up for my new podcast, Broken Crayons Still Color. It will probably launch sometime in November. I really don’t know all the details yet. It will depend on when my book is finished and it’s with the editor right now. It’s exciting times! Busy, but fruitful times.
So I pray for blessings on your day and I will see you next time.
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