This was an AH-mazing interview for those of you who want to be traditionally published. Bethany covers how to write a book proposal, the #1 best way to find an agent, how to beef up the marketing section of your proposal and much much more. Enjoy!
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I took notes for you and compiled them in a PDF. They include Bethany’s tips for writing a book proposal and how to pitch magazines. Great stuff here! Download it by clicking the button below.
Click Here for the PDF Download
In This Episode, You’ll Learn:
- How Bethany landed her first book contract
- The BEST thing to do if you want to be traditionally published
- How to write a book proposal that gets a publisher’s attention
- How to get organized as a writer (see my video review of Bethany’s Serious Writer’s Companion planner)
- And much more!
About Bethany Jett
Bethany Jett’s life changed dramatically when she attended her first writers conference. Not only did she publish The Cinderella Rule, she signed with the MacGregor Literary Agency where she is also a collaborative/ghostwriter. She speaks nationally at churches and conferences, her work has been published in multiple publications, including Chicken Soup for the Soul and, and she is the Special Projects manager with Splickety Publishing Group. An entrepreneur at heart, Bethany founded the Serious Writer Academy and created the My Moments Planner. Bethany is a military spouse and homeschool mama who loves cute shoes and all things girly.
Find out more about Bethany at
Enjoy the podcast! It’s my hope that these episodes are bring you on step closer to reaching more people with your message.
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“Even the weakest light can hold back the darkness.” – Unknown
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Watch the FULL interview, How to Write a Book Proposal, below:
My Review of the Serious Writer’s Companion
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