Do you know what a “Power Hour” is? Implementing this one thing can make a huge difference in helping you finish your book.
In today’s training I share how to maximize your power hour to achieve your publishing goals.
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What is a Power Hour?
A Power Hour is when you set aside an hour, it could be one hour a day, it could be one hour a week, where you focus on your main 90-day goal.
Within Author Audience Academy, my group coaching program, I have a training called PlanIt Day where I help my members set that 90-day goal.
For some of you, your 90-day goal is to finish and publish your book. So one of the things I suggested inside my private Facebook group for Author Audience Academy is that my members set up a Power Hour.
I have been doing this for a while now yet I didn’t think about the fact that I had not shared this strategy with my members yet. So when I shared this about a week ago so many people implemented it right away and now they are getting their book done, they are moving forward, and it is so exciting.
There is something powerful that happens when you give your brain a deadline. This is similar to the Pomodoro Technique. If you have taken my free 7-day nonfiction writing challenge at you know about the Pomodoro Technique.
The Pomodoro Technique, is a form of time boxing. With the Pomodoro Technique you set the time for 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break, 25 minutes, and then another 5 minute break.
If you have not taken the training yet I encourage you to sign up. It is completely free and you get a ton of value. I give you many tools and strategies to help you write faster and better, plus you get a $27 productivity software.
A Power Hour is simply a certain hour of a day or a week that you devote towards accomplishing your 90-day goal.
During that one hour you should:
- turn off notifications
- turn off your phone (or at the minimum, don’t answer text messages)
- don’t check into email
- log out of social media
And this allows you to stay focused.
It is amazing what just implementing one Power Hour every week can do. Now, if you are able to do two Power Hours a day, great! However if you are able to do even just one a day you are going to see a really big difference.
I am not saying though that you need to be doing this all the time. If you overuse this strategy you can wear yourself out.
You don’t want to do a Power Hour ten times a day, but if you have one or two Power Hours a day (or each week) I really think you are going to see a huge change in your productivity and moving the needle forward on your current project.
Accomplishing Your Goal
I am happy to say for those of you who have been following that I have finished the first draft and all the videos, PowerPoint slides, viewer’s guides, etc. for my book “Broken Crayons Still Color.” Each of the videos is 35-38 minutes with different content than in my book.
I finished everything on Monday September 12th, so it was such a huge relief! I finished it right before leaving to host my very first in person writing retreat (which was amazing)!
What do you think?
Would you try a Power Hour?
Have you tried this type of technique before in the past?
Did it help you?
Anytime you give your brain a deadline, your brain then knows, “OK, I have this amount of time to get this done, let’s do it!”
Think about this; when you get ready to go on vacation you can get a ton of stuff done, right? You get a lot of stuff done because you know, “I have to leave, and when I leave I have to get all this stuff done before hand.”
Whether it is packing or finishing work, when you give your brain a deadline it is powerful. That is what a Power Hour does, you are telling your brain, “I’m giving you one hour, let’s do this. Let’s get this done!”
So my challenge to you today, in this training, is to schedule your next Power Hour. It could be next week, it could be today or when you would want to start.
You can take action on this, literally, today and schedule a Power Hour. Say to yourself “OK, I’m going to do this, I’m going to try it.” Then, report back, and let me know how it goes.
If you haven’t taken my free writing challenge yet, sign up at There is a place to comment and interact with me inside our members area and it’s completely free.
You will get 7 days for free with lots of great resources to help you in writing and publishing your next book.
If you have already taken Writing Week do me a quick favor and share the link with someone you know that is either writing blog posts or writing books, and really could use this training. It’s completely free, they will thank you, and I thank you as well. Sharing is caring, isn’t it?
Thank you so much for being here with me, and until next time!
If you want to learn more ways to help you publish your book, check out “How to Improve Your Writing”
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