In this episode I want to talk about the power of a print book. I have discussed Kindle eBooks in length, but also know the incredible power of publishing a print book. There is something different about holding a book in your hands versus reading it on an ereader. In this episode I’m going to share six different benefits of publishing a print book (and there are still many, many more!).
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In This Episode, You’ll Learn:
- The power of a print book
- Six reasons to publish your book as a print book
- And more!
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In this episode I want to talk about the power of a print book. I have discussed Kindle eBooks in length, but also know the incredible power of publishing a print book. There is something different about holding a book in your hands versus reading it on an ereader. In this episode I’m going to share six different benefits of publishing a print book (and there are still many, many more!).
1) A Business Card People Won’t Throw Away
Having a print book is more than just a credibility booster, it is similar to a business card, but more valuable and with greater longevity. Most people will throw away a business card, whereas they usually keep a book forever — when was the last time you threw a book in the trash? Even when people do get rid of print books, they usually donate to a thrift store or give it to a friend.
Many authors make more money from the business their book brings them than the book royalties themselves. The book is primarily a way to brand themselves and build trust with their target audience.
If you are spending money on advertising and marketing your services, why not invest in a book that can do your marketing for you?
You can use a print book in marketing your services by including one in a lumpy mailing you send out to prospects. For example, I do this with conferences I would like to get booked as a speaker.
2) A Resource to Give
I was a speaker before I was an author. When I started speaking to teen girls in 2007, I realized a 45-60 minute presentation was not enough time to cover everything I wanted to share. Girls would come up to me after a talk, but I was limited in the time I could spend with them. I am only one person and, due to the sensitivity of the conversations, needed to talk to them one-on-one. Many times, the girls needed to leave quickly after the presentation to get to their next class, which left little or no time to spend one-on-one answering their questions and praying with them.
However, once I had a print book published, I had a resource I could offer any teen girl who was inspired to change and wanted to learn more after my presentation. This allowed me to help and influence my target audience on an even deeper level.
3) Another Product to Sell
Once you write your book, you can create multiple products from your one piece of content. You can create a print book, an eBook, an audiobook, translations of your book, products and more.
Having a print book is a great product to sell at live speaking events.
4) Different Learning Styles
Each person learns differently. According the VARK model, there are four types of learning styles:
- Visual
- Aural (hearing)
- Read/write
- Kinesthetic (hands on).
According to their definitions, a visual learner learns best through images: maps, diagrams, flowcharts, mindmaps, etc. (This does not include still pictures or photographs.) An aural learner learns best when information is heard or spoken. This type of learner will get the most out of your in-person presentations. A read/write learner learns best when the information is displayed as words, like a PowerPoint presentation, report, or book. Finally, a kinesthetic learner learns best through hands on experiences. This type of learner will retain your information best with interactive discussion, lab experiments, or writing in an outline while you speak.
When you offer your message in a book, you influence read/write learners on a deeper level. It will help them retain your material, which could have a life-changing impact on their lives.
5) Limited Bandwidth vs. Enduring Legacy
You can only physically speak to a limited number of people in your lifetime. I like to think of it as having limited bandwidth. The bandwidth on your internet connection dictates the size of files you can upload or download. It limits your ability to share information online.
You have limited bandwidth. Even if you speak several times a day for the rest of your life, you cannot possibly reach everyone in your target audience with your message.
However, once you publish your message within a book, you have the ability to reach an unlimited amount of people through the distribution of that book.
Not only will you be able to reach an entirely new audience by publishing a book, you will also create a legacy that will outlive you. C.S. Lewis’s books have been even more popular after his death than they were during his life. Fifty years after his death, his books continue to sell between 1.5 million and 2 million copies per year. His legacy — and his message — continue to live on through his books.
We all want to have influence today; however, a book can become “forever content” that can impact people beyond our lifetime.
Will you choose to live with a limited bandwidth or to leave an enduring legacy?
6) The Powerful Influence of a Print Book
There is power in publishing a print book. Not only do you reach the person who buys it, but that customer may pass your book along to others. You never know how many people will read each print book you sell.
Also, when you have a print book, you can donate it to public libraries. This will allow even more people to potentially read your book.
Download my PDF with 5 of the tools I use to self-publish books at
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