In this post you’ll learn why, at 7 years old, I vowed to be perfect. Many times we are limited in our potential by fear and self-sabotage. I know from experience! Listen in as I share personal stories and practical strategies to overcome the things that are limiting your progress.
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It’s time to let your light SHINE!
Why, at 7 Years Old, I Vowed to Be Perfect
Pretty much all my life, in one way, shape or form, I have tried to be perfect. I have often chosen the way of perfection. Now, we all know that perfection is an impossible goal this side of heaven.
Unfortunately, it’s a trap I’ve fallen for again and again, the perfection trap.
My earliest memories of failure
I was around seven years old when my sister and I twirled batons in a group called, “The Sunbeams.” We had worked really hard to perfect a routine for our local parade. The day finally came for our performance and we dressed up in our costumes and excitedly lined up in our place in the parade.
And throughout the entire parade, my performance was flawless, well almost. I dropped my baton one time. Only once throughout the entire parade did I make a mistake. Although I didn’t perform perfectly, I was still proud of myself.
Our local newspaper came out the next day with pictures from the parade and my sister and I eagerly looked through them to see if our picture was included. And it was! We were so excited.
However, as quickly as seeing my picture in the newspaper brought me joy, it just as quickly devastated my little 7 year-old heart.
You see, I performed perfectly the entire routine except for one small mistake. And guess which picture was publicly recorded in the paper for everyone to see?
That’s right. My one mistake.
The newspaper published the one mistake I made that day! They pictured me bending over to pick up my baton that I had dropped.
And that day, in my seven year old heart, I resolved to never allow myself to be humiliated like that again. I resolved to strive for perfection and work harder to avoid failure and mistakes. This has led to self effort, workaholism, fear of failure and people pleasing in my life.
Perfection can paralyze. Especially writers.
I’ve learned over time that one mistake does not define who I am. I’ve learned that in order to be successful, you have to risk failure.
In closing…
Remember, “If you’ve never failed you’ve never lived.”
Even if some of your book marketing efforts have failed, don’t give up. Persevere and try something else. Don’t give up.
I’d love to help you reach your goals! You can find out more about my signature program at
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