Are you struggling to finish your manuscript? Do you have so many ideas that you can’t focus on one? How do you get unstuck in the process of self-editing while writing your manuscript? All these questions and more are answered in this Focus to Finish session with Paul Wallman.
Kindle to Print Challenge Finishers
I am so proud of my Author Audience Academy members that finished our Kindle to Print Challenge in April 2016. WooHoo! In a previous blog post, I shared 5 signs it may be time to publish your Kindle book in print format here: Here are the 5 signs it may be time to publish a […]
6 Creative Ideas to Finish Writing a Book
Do you have an unfinished book sitting on your hard drive? In this blog post I’m going to share with you six creative ideas you can implement to finish writing a book. It’s time to get it DONE!
How to Overcome Excuses to Finish Writing a Book
In this post, I share tips on how to overcome excuses to finish writing a book. One of the biggest obstacles most authors face is simply getting the first draft done. In this post, I share an excuse I used this week.