This episode is part of the Finisher series. We originally recorded these teachings inside our Christian Book Academy Facebook group as live videos. However, we wanted to also encourage you in the writing, publishing, and marketing of your books.
Today’s topic is: Peace over Panic
– John 6:68
– Matthew 14:22-33
– “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT
– “A scared world needs a fearless church.” D.L. Moody
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Peace Over Panic Facebook Group
We have started a new Facebook group called, “Peace Over Panic” to help support, encourage and serve our online community during these uncertain times. It will be completely FREE and a way we can give back during this time.
✅ Join here:
Notes from this episode:
- Our nation & world has been rocked over the past 1-2 weeks as Coronavirus fears have increased.
- How are we as followers of Jesus called to respond?
- This has been like shaking and refining of sorts. Testing what we’re made of.
- Trials don’t weaken our faith or create it but they expose what is already in our hearts.
- We’re beginning to see what we value most…things like toilet paper and hand sanitizer 😃
- Whether this lasts a month or a year, nobody truly knows. But we do know the One who holds our future.
- Uncertainty is the starting point for both fear and trust.
- “We can trust an unknown future to a God who knows everything.” – Shelley Hitz
- Corrie ten Book shared this illustration in her book, The Hiding Place.
“Father sat down on the edge of the narrow bed. “Corrie,” he began gently, “when you and I go to Amsterdam-when do I give you your ticket?”
I sniffed a few times, considering this.
“Why, just before we get on the train.”
“Exactly. And our wise Father in heaven knows when we’re going to need things, too. Don’t run out ahead of Him, Corrie. When the time comes that some of us will have to die, you will look into your heart and find the strength you need-just in time.”
- Kingdom Writers have an incredible opportunity to help put out “fear fires” and break up “panic parties.” Both in our sphere of influence and also on a world stage with the reach of social media and the internet.
- We have the ability to infect those around us with joy and peace.
- Kingdom Writers have the “words of life” that Peter mentioned in John 6:68. Jesus gives us those words to share in written form.
- “The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts” – Marcus Aurelius
- Matthew 14:22-33 – Jesus Walks on Water
Two questions to ask yourself:
1.) What emotions am I feeling?
- We may need to give ourselves permission to grieve (the small things and big things). Or process any anger before we can feel God’s peace.
2.) Where is my attention?
- God has been helping me to gradually take my attention and focus off the world and place it onto Him.
Two questions to ask God:
1.) Ask God how to pray.
- I was asking God how to pray about all of this and I sensed to pray for spiritual healing of our nation.
- That there’s a lot of focus on the physical health of our nation but what God wants to do is heal us spiritually.
- “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”
- And also to pray for unity in our nation. That people can come together in a way we haven’t for many years.
- As you are washing your hands more frequently (it’s recommended for at least 20 seconds), pray as God has led you to pray for this pandemic.
2.) Ask God, “What is my role is in this? Do you have a specific assignment for me right now for such a time as this?”
- God may have a specific assignment for you right now. It might be as simple as helping your elderly neighbors get groceries. Or it may involve one of the resources you have created or will create.
- As followers of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit we have the ability to change the atmosphere wherever we go.
- “Long before Zaccheus needed to see Jesus, the tree was already planted to meet his need.” – Author unknown
- God knew about the COVID-19 coronavirus long before it happened. He has provided in many ways to prepare us for such a time as this. How is God speaking to you today about your role in the midst of this crisis? What resources has He already created through you that you can now share today to be a blessing to others?
“A scared world needs a fearless church.” D.L. Moody
Note: Fearless is not the same thing as careless.
“God whispers in our pleasures but shouts in our pain.” C.S.Lewis
This life is not about our comfort. It’s about Him. He is the main character, not us.
- The Pause app by John Eldridge
- How to Hear God’s Voice: for CBA members: For those who are not members yet:
- Trusting God When Bad Things Happen (video):
- Peace in Anxious Times: a book written by my mom and sister teaching you how to pray using Lectio Divina
Close in prayer
Instrumental music used with permission: “My Loving Kindness” by Tammy Sorenson. Find out more at
Get Instant Access: Publishing Map
Get instant access to our free PDF, Your Publishing Map, and a video of Shelley Hitz explaining the publishing process here:
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