How important is prayer for writers? If you’ve been a Christian writer for any length of time, you know there’s constant resistance.
Where does this resistance come from? Besides our own self-doubt, Paul reveals the answer, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” – Ephesians 6:12 (NIV) And what a struggle it is at times!
If you’re feeling resistance as you endeavor to write words that glorify God, I would submit that you’re doing something right. There’s a real enemy of our souls who wants to stop us from moving forward as Kingdom writers. When the words we write get into the hearts and minds of our readers, we are invading the enemy’s territory. These ‘spiritual forces’ aren’t going to surrender that hard earned ground without a fight.
When you pray for your writing, you are calling upon the infinite resources of our heavenly Father. It’s also comforting to know that our Lord Jesus is interceding for us at the right hand of the Father (Romans 8:34). As if that wasn’t enough, the Holy Spirit also intercedes for us in our times of weakness when we can hardly lift up prayer (Romans 8:26-27).
Prayers for Christian Writers
Praying God’s Word
As you pray for your writing, there’s something powerful about praying God’s Word over your life. By ‘praying God’s Word’ I’m talking about piggybacking off of the words and prayers found throughout the Bible.
We see the highs and lows of those saints who have gone before us and we can identify with what they experienced. Moses, Elijah, Hannah, David, Mary, Paul, and our Lord Jesus Himself to name a few. Reading their prayers breathes new life into our own prayer lives. In a sense, we’re able to ride on their shoulders and see through the lens of their own victories and struggles.
Utilizing God’s word
As you pray for your writing is like laying down kindling to help start a fire in your own heart. You can lift up the many prayers found throughout the Bible while adjusting those prayers for your own personal situation.
We have the unique vantage point of looking back on these prayers lifted up thousands of years ago and seeing all the ways God answered those powerful utterings. And when we remember that we’re praying to that same God Almighty, it makes their prayers even more meaningful.
We relate to these Kingdom writers of old as we also endeavor to write words that outlive us and impact others coming behind us. None of us would doubt that each of these men and women found in the Word were led by the Holy Spirit.
In the same way, when you pray for your writing, you seek to write potent words of lasting substance. You and I must be people of prayer who are led by that same Holy Spirit. Regarding God’s Word, David penned these words, “I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life.” – Psalm 119:93 (NIV) When you pray for your writing utilizing God’s Word, you are tapping into a gold mine!
Sample Prayer For Writers
The prayer found below is taken from our book 21 Prayers for Writers: Praying God’s Word Over Your Writing. The specific prayer focus is in the area of protection and we are piggybacking off of the following scripture passages, “I’m not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one. They do not belong to this world any more than I do. Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth. Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world.” – John 17:15-18 (NLT)
“But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” – 2 Thessalonians 3:3 (ESV) “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” – Psalm 34:7 (NIV) “Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.” – Proverbs 30:5 (NKJV)
Prayer for writers:
Father, thank you for calling me to be a writer who glorifies the name of Jesus. I no longer live to make a name for myself. You have placed me on this planet at this time for a reason and I desire to fulfill all that You have in mind. I ask that You would keep me safe from the evil one.
From the moment I sit down to write, may all the plans and distractions of the evil one be shattered. In the authority I have in Christ, I cancel every attempt of the enemy to prevent my writing from moving forward. I also ask that You protect me from myself. When I feel like giving up, give me the strength and endurance to press on. When I sense my attitude beginning to sour, remind me of all that I have to be grateful for.
Fill me with inspiration as I consume Your Word. Reveal things in the bible that I haven’t previously seen. Set me apart as a special instrument who’s always available when You need me. May Your Truth wash me from the inside out.
Finally, I ask that the words You’ve called me to write would be sent into the world and reach their intended readers. Use the words I’ve written to encourage, sharpen, edify, and strengthen those who will read them. What a privilege to write words that could potentially be sent all over this lost and broken world! It’s in the protective name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
Writing Out Your Own Prayers
As you pray for your writing, we encourage you to write out your own prayers based on God’s Word. The prayer focus can be anything you might be dealing with.
It doesn’t take much “kindling” from God’s Word to start a fire of prayer in our own hearts. The words you write out could become a writer’s prayer that encourages others just like you. Christian writers understand that the spiritual struggle is real. Others can pray for your writing and you can pray for theirs.
Prayer is the proof that we are relying on God and not just our own feeble resources. Moreover, not only do we pray FOR victory over our enemy, but we also pray FROM victory through the shed blood of Jesus! If you haven’t already, begin to pray for your writing today and reap the rewards of those prayers for months and years to come. Additionally, a writer’s prayer is a weapon you and I can immediately begin incorporating today. Furthermore, it is a powerful tool that can bring inspiration, clarity, and purpose to your writing journey.
Resources for Prayer as Writers
- Prayers for Writers YouVersion Plan
- 21 Prayers for Writers paperback book
- 21 Prayers for Writers Kindle book
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