Learn how to upload your book to KDP and publish on Kindle in this episode. This is part five of the “Procrastination to Publication” series.
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In This Episode, You’ll Learn:
- How to upload your book to KDP.amazon.com
- How to publish to Kindle
- How to get honest reviews
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Godly Gain Segment:
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Today’s scripture: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” Hebrews 12:1 (NLT)
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WooHoo! You did it. You are at the final step.
Publish on Kindle
Now it is time to publish on Kindle and get your book for sale on Amazon.com. You can set up your account at http://kdp.amazon.com.
Once you have completed the previous six steps, it will literally only take you five minutes to get everything uploaded. And normally your book will be published on Amazon within hours. The official email they send you says that your book will be published on Amazon in 12-48 hours. But, sometimes I get anxious and search for my book title on Amazon.com before I get the email. Sometimes my book was published within only a few hours after hitting the publish button.
It is easier to watch me do it than to try to explain the process to you. Therefore, I have a video tutorial that takes you step by step through the process that you can get here: www.ShelleyHitz.com/kindletutorial (no opt-in required).
The best part? When you publish on Kindle, Amazon does all the work for you. They take the orders, process credit cards, handle support and returns, and handle hosting and delivery. And with Kindle books priced between $2.99 and $9.99, you will get 70% royalties.
This is one of the easiest ways to sell a product online and still make money doing it. You don’t need a website, you don’t need support staff, and you don’t even need a payment processor. You simply need a book and a KDP publishing account.
Getting Honest Reviews
The last step, after you publish on Kindle, is to ask for reviews. Normally, I ask for a minimum of 10 reviews. A book with no reviews looks like a ghost town. Reviews offer social proof that there are people reading the book.
I recommend asking your followers if anyone is willing to read your latest book in exchange for a free copy. What works really well for me is to create a separate email list for reviewers to sign up. That way, I can email them when I have new books out.
Some authors create a private Facebook group for their reviewers. Personally, I don’t think this works as well, because some people turn their notifications off on Facebook. However, they will almost always check their email.
I then create a copy/paste template to send to my reviewers. I like using canned responses in Gmail to make the process easier. You can see a tutorial I have written on how to use them, here. When someone replies and says they are willing to review your book, simply paste in your template, with the link to your book where they will review it when they are finished. You’ll also either link to the book files online or upload the attachments.
When I give out review copies, I usually give a PDF and/or a .mobi file. You can download the .mobi file within KDP.amazon.com when you publish your book. Here is a tutorial that gives you step-by-step instructions on how to download and send those mobi files to your reviewers: https://www.trainingauthors.com/send-kindle-mobi-review-copy
You can get the exact process I use in my book, How to Get Honest Reviews. We also have a toolkit that includes all of those source files that make it super easy to copy and paste; use our exact system for getting your reviews here.
We have covered so much information in this training series, but you are now prepared to write your book. You now have a system you can use to get you more exposure, bring in more business for you, and increase your credibility.
Let’s review the seven-day process of going from procrastination to publication.
Day 1: Choosing a book topic and creating an outline for your book.
Day 2: Writing. I mentioned three different options: you can speak your book, you can write your books in blocks of time, or you can hire a ghostwriter.
Day 3: Editing. Like I said, for most of the small eBooks, self-editing and using software will be sufficient. You will want to use a professional editor, especially for your print books.
Day 4: Book cover design. This step is very important. They say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” but many people do. Do not skimp on this step.
Day 5: Preparing your book for publication. This is where you choose your keywords and categories, get your book description, create your front and back matter, and choose a price for your book. But don’t let these decisions stop you, as you can always update them later.
Day 6: Making the final corrections and edits and getting the formatting for Kindle.
Day 7: Publish on Kindle and getting honest reviews.
Congratulations! You did it.
I look forward to hearing about your success. If you publish a book, let me know so I can celebrate with you.
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