Are you feeling overwhelmed? If so, here are 5 steps for overcoming overwhelm. I personally needed to go through these steps recently when I was feeling overwhelmed. You can also watch the video rebroadcast from Periscope where I shared this training at the bottom of this post.
1) Listen to Music
Music can be therapeutic. Create a specific playlist that is calming for when you feel overwhelmed and another one for when you need motivated.
Did you know about Amazon Prime music? If you are a Prime member, you have access to commercial free music here:
2) Take a Mini-Break
Take a short 30 minute mini-break AWAY from your computer. It gives you the chance to focus elsewhere or nowhere.
Do something you love that nurtures you. Ideas:
Go for a walk
Sit in silence
Take a Nap
Read a book (for FUN)
Have a cup of coffee
Go to the store
Tea on the porch
Play your guitar
Deep breathing
Yard work
3) Do a Brain Dump
Use a whiteboard, mindmap, or in a notebook. Sometimes getting OFF your computer can help when you feel overwhelm.
This can give you clarity on where to focus on first.
4) Prioritize your list
Urgent vs. important – what are the main three rocks you need to get done today?
On this step, I personally pray and ask for wisdom.
5) L.E.A.D. Process
LEAD is an acronym for my process for getting clarity on projects.
L – Locating: Brain dump
E – Eliminating: Is there something you need to eliminate from your list?
A – Automating: What can you automate? (i.e.,
D – Delegate: What tasks can you delegate? (i.e. Using a VA,, bartering, etc.)
Download my L.E.A.D. Process Worksheet here:
Click Here for the PDF Download
Take Action
Once you have completed these steps, it’s time to take action on your top 3 tasks for the day!
Periscope Video Replay
What Other Tips Do You Have for Overcoming Overwhelm?
Share your tips and strategies in the comments below.
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