Hey Author,
Are you both an author and an avid reader with a limited book budget? Do you want to read up on writing, publishing, and book marketing? Is there deep desire for learning more about what it takes to be a successful author growing within you?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, we’d like to invite you to join our team of book reviewers. As one of our reviewers, you can read our books for free in exchange for posting your reviews on Amazon.
How Review Copies Work:
- Choose the first book you would like to read and review from any of our books. We will send you detailed directions on how to request a book once you sign up below.
- If at all possible, please post your review on Amazon within 2-4 weeks of receiving the book. We understand that emergencies come up and life gets busy, but we do ask you to do everything you can to keep your commitment.
- If you are on Goodreads, please add the book to your collection and post your review on Goodreads as well.
- Once you have finished posting your review, let us know which book you would like to read and review next and we will send it to you.
- Please make sure to note at the end of your review that you received a free copy of this book in exchange for your honest review as this is a FTC guideline and part of Amazon’s terms of service. You can simply state something like this: “Please note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.”
From time to time, we will offer print copies of our books. These will only be available to this list of reviewers.
You can see a list of our current books in the sidebar or by visiting:
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