I’ve had several requests to share my inexpensive DIY treadmill desk setup and finally had time to finish this video and post for you. If you are looking for ways to increase your activity, a treadmill desk is a great way to sit less and move more this year!
Watch My Video Below:
In this video I show you how I use the same setup to sit, stand, and walk at my DIY treadmill desk. I also walk you through setting up the treadmill I used.
I have a set up that uses the Confidence Power Plus Treadmill and a hospital bedside table. This is a unique set up and I’ve posted links to the equipment I use below.
However, also check out this post for more ideas on how to customize the Confidence Power Plus Treadmill for a DIY treadmill desk: http://officewalkers.ning.com/forum/topics/inexpensive-alternative-to-treaddesk-treadmill
Confidence Power Plus Motorized Electric Treadmill: I purchased mine at Amazon for $199. Their prices may vary depending on when you buy it. I did buy the extended 3-year protection plan.
Rolling Sit/Stand Desk: You can see options to buy a hospital bedside table on Amazon here.
Personally, I used a hospital bedside table that patients use at their bedside. I got mine for free when the hospital I used to work at as a Physical Therapist was getting rid of some equipment. However, there are many options you can use for a desk.
Monitor Stand: I use a monitor stand for my laptop. This helps my posture when I am sitting as well.
Keyboard Tray: I can’t find the name of the keyboard tray I have but you can find many on Amazon here.
Mouse pad: I use a mousepad on my keyboard tray as well as wrist rests/supports.
Wrist rest: I use the IMAK brand for my mouse and the keyboard.
Whether you use a treadmill desk or not, I encourage you to find ways to move more during your day. I use the FitBit to track my steps and that helps me.
Have you created your own DIY treadmill desk? If so, share your setup in the comments below!
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