Today’s topic: Do You Need a Writing Warmup?
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Notes from this episode:
Since taking up running over 13 years ago, I’ve (CJ) learned the importance of a proper warm-up. Whether I’m preparing for a key speed workout or long run, my rule of thumb is to keep the first two miles nice and easy. Rather than forcing my legs to move faster in the beginning, I simply put one foot in front of the other and allow my legs to gradually warm-up and get acquainted with movement.
I’ve had many days where I wanted to bail in the first couple miles of a run due to “not feeling it.” But if I stick with it, the legs and body usually turn a corner and I’m rewarded with a delightful run. Some might call it tapping into the “runner’s high.”
As a Christian writer, I’ve also learned the value of a good warm-up. It can sometimes take 30 minutes to allow our spirits to calm and the outside noise to quiet down. Just as an athlete needs a proper warm-up, Christian writers can also benefit by easing into a writing flow.
Rather than coming out of the gate charging hard, why not play some peaceful music while prayerfully inviting God to lead us in our thoughts. We might even imagine Jesus commanding ‘Peace be still’ as he calms the storms within us.
Our spiritual enemy tries to tempt us to bail on our writing in the first few minutes. We may be tempted to say, “I’m just not feeling it today.” But just like in running, things could turn a corner if we’ll just stick with it and push through the negative feelings.
Give yourself some grace at the beginning of a writing session by including a writing warm-up.
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We hope this episode encourages and inspires you in your writing.
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I love you both! You make me want to be brave! Thank you!
And we love you too Linda!