Are you dealing with writers’ block? Have you recently said, “I’m stuck and nothing flows?”
In this episode of our Breakthrough series, CJ and I are going to help you as Kingdom Writers overcome this obstacle of writers’ block. What makes this series different than most training for writers is that we integrate the powerful combination of Scripture and prayer to help you breakthrough the obstacles holding you back.
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Notes from this episode:
- Zechariah 8:9 “Be strong and finish the task”
- Psalm 45:1 NIV – “My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.”
- When we spend time with Jesus, we are refreshed with His living water and able to refresh others in our writing – “On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, “Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’”
#1: Writers’ block could possibly be a spiritual block that requires a deeper time of prayer & fasting. (Daniel 10:12-14)
- The importance of having a prayer team
– Nehemiah and those helping rebuild the wall received lots of opposition in the beginning. Their enemies tried discouraging the work from continuing
#2: Don’t start with a blank page. Start with an outline no matter how short.
#3: Schedule writing time
- “I only write when I am inspired. Fortunately, I am inspired at 9 o’clock every morning.” – William Faulkner
- Setting aside undistracted time blocks can be helpful. Whether it’s 15 minutes or 3 hours a day. Perhaps you have one full day a week that is designated as writing day (i.e. Donald Miller blocks off Monday)
#4: Consider a writing retreat by yourself or with others
#5: Pomodoro = Productivity
#6: It can take 30 minutes just to allow our spirits to calm and the outside noise to quiet down
- As a runner, I’ve learned not to bail in the first couple miles of a run, even if I’m not feeling it. I’ve had many runs that turned around and I felt fantastic after the first 2-3 miles. Our enemy tries to tempt us to bail on our writing in the first few minutes but if we’ll hang in there, there’s a good chance we can get into a nice flow.
- I created a quote graphic with a dog at the typewriter that says, “The first rule of writing: site. The second rule of writing: stay”
#7: Consider starting with journaling or a writing prompt to get your writing juices flowing
#8: Is there a certain place you seem to write best? Maybe a routine like making a cup of coffee or tea before sitting down for a writing session?
#9: Exercise, even a simple brisk walk can help stir thoughts. Oxygen to the brain can stir creative thought
#10 Accountability can help. Meet together in person or virtually and use the Pomodoro Technique. Text or message each other when you’re getting started writing. Inside Christian Book Academy, we host Productivity Parties where we meet for one hour twice a month to write together.
Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32)
3 reasons every Christian writer needs a prayer team
Download our Pomodoro Worksheet here:
Prayer to Escape Writers Block
Transcript of the prayer:
The ninth area that we’re looking at has been an obstacle for many of us. We want to breakthrough in the whole area of writer’s block. This has been something every writer has faced.
I’m stuck and nothing seems to be flowing. We sit there staring. I recently saw a blog post where the person mentioned one of the worst things to do when you have writer’s block is just stare at a blank screen. That blinking cursor.
If you have writer’s block, a practical thing to do is go for a walk. Get out and just spend some time with the Lord. Maybe an activity you really enjoy outside of writing.
This isn’t a practical session that we’re giving you a whole bunch of practical tips, but those are coming, those are coming in the next six weeks. We’re going to have 12 podcasts and live videos.
So, if you’re enjoying this, make sure you are either subscribed to our podcast for writers, Kingdom Writers, or to our Facebook page, Christian Book Academy. Because there is lots of goodness. We’re going to give lots of practical tips but today is mostly about prayer. So, stay tuned if you’re excited about that.
Psalm 45:1 is one of the Scriptures I’ve been reading along the lines of this obstacle. The NIV says, “My heart is stirred by a noble theme. As I recite my verses for the king.” And I love this part, “My tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.”
“Lord we ask that our tongues, our thoughts, our pen would all be that of a skillful writer. Speak through us and capture the minds of each one of these writers. Lord, I pray that you would bring that flow, that when we do find ourselves stuck, we would be able to get unstuck with your help, Lord.
You would allow that dam to be open so to speak so that the river can just flow. And I even pray that it would flow at flood stage, that each one of us would overflow into the lives of other communities. Not in a destructive way, but that all of the goodness that you want to bring about through our lives. All of the inspiration would flood not only our own communities but others around the world. We are praying that our tongue is the pen of a skillful writer and that there would be flow.
I’m even reminded that Jesus said there would be rivers of living water that would flow out of us, referring to the Holy Spirit being in us and overflowing. But we’re asking Lord that as we set our minds on you that you would allow us to flow. Then we’ll look back and say, “Thank you, Lord. Thank you.” You are the one that gets people unstuck and we ask this in Jesus’ name.
If you’re able to right now, just raise both of your hands and just receive the flow of the Holy Spirit for your writing. Just receive it in Jesus’ name. Come, Holy Spirit, come. In Jesus’ name may today be a turning point where things would be different. And we thank you Lord for that.
The picture that God gave me is that some of you are in a dark room and a dark room can be kind of scary. It can lead to these negative feelings or emotions and you feel alone, uncertain, all of these things that come up. But God steps into that room and He is flipping on the light switch. He’s flipping it on in Jesus’ name.
Holy Spirit is there with you. Holy Spirit is going to give you what you need like the words, inspiration, God ideas, book ideas and the things that you need right now. And Holy Spirit is going to be the wind in your sails right now. Some of you are like a ship, just stuck. You’re not going anywhere. It feels like there hasn’t been any wind. There’s no motor. And you’re just sitting there. The Holy Spirit’s coming in right now, breathing fresh life into your writing, breathing fresh life into your life. And he is the wind in your sails and he is now propelling you forward. We thank you for this Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Free Download: 15 Prayers for Christian Writers
Download the PDF transcript of all 15 Prayers for Christian Writers, here:
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