Are you wondering how to plan a book launch? One of the best times to grab attention and to be able to promote your book is during your book launch. So, my question to you today is, how can you make your book launch stand out?
In this post, I want to share how you can be creative in planning a book launch and make your book launch stand out.
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How to Plan a Book Launch that Stands Out from the Crowd
Online the biggest thing someone can give you is their attention.
There is so much noise, there are so many people out there, there are so many new books each day.
- What can you do to stand out?
- What can you do to be a little bit different?
I’m getting ready for a new book launch. I just gave birth to my newest PRINT book baby, 9 Strategies to Grow and Build your Author Platform.
I’ve had it in Kindle for a couple of years, and I just released it in print.
The push that I got was from our Kindle to Print Challenge in and it just went live on Amazon this week.
How can I make this book stand out? I’ve been thinking about this for a while, because I knew I was going to be publishing this book.
I’ve been brainstorming and coming up with a whole bunch of ideas.
You know what?
There are a lot of people doing similar things for book launches these days, you see kind of similar themes, similar things—you get bonuses for buying during a specific time, etc.
I’ve been thinking about my launch for a while, but today I decided, “I’m going to do it.” I spent the morning planning it out, writing it out, and I’m ready to see how it goes.
Test, Track, and Tweak Your Marketing Efforts
A lot of marketing is trial and error.
You have to take risks and try new strategies to see how it works and then adjust.
What I am doing to make this book launch different is I’m launching the print version of this book through a 5-Day Author Platform Challenge.
It will be a 5-day challenge I’m going to do live on Facebook. Each day of the five days I will do a live video, and then you can get lifetime access to the videos and the checklist when you sign up.
You can sign up at
I’m doing something different. I haven’t seen anyone use live video to launch a book.
The purpose of this book launch?
- Sell more books. Yes!!
- Build my email subscriber list. Authors can sign up at to get access to the challenge videos and checklist.
- Connect with my audience in a deeper way and giving them value during the challenge.
- Build buzz for my book online. I will have a special bonus if you buy the print book and post a picture of my book—it can be a selfie or it can be a picture of my book on your shelf, on your coach, at the beach–with the hashtag #5dayauthorplatform and you’ll get an extra bonus training from me.
It’s going to be exciting to see how it works and I’ll be documenting everything.
I’ve written out all the steps of what I’m doing and I’ll be sharing with you later exactly how you can do this if you want to do it for your book as well.
How Can You Stand Out?
One of the ways you can stand out when planning a book launch is just thinking, “what can I do a little different?
What is the twist that I can add to this? Is there something that I can do that might just grab someone’s attention a little bit differently?”
What ideas do you have to put a different twist on your book launch?
Do something a little different, think outside the box, don’t just do the same thing that everyone else is doing.
That’s boring and you don’t want to be boring.
You want to do something different, you want to do something that will capture people’s attention, you want to do something that’s fun.
What can you do?
Take Action Tip on How to Plan a Book Launch
I encourage you to set a timer and brainstorm a bunch of ideas. Start a document in Google Docs or in your notebook and when you’re out and about start capturing ideas as you go. That’s what I do to.
The idea for this challenge came when I was helping my husband on one of his recent workouts. So, start your own brainstorming list.
And just know that the best ideas come at the most inopportune times, like when you’re in the shower, when you’re driving, or when you’re out and about. So make sure you have a way to capture those ideas and just start letting it flow.
Don’t pressure yourself, but simply start thinking, “OK, what could I do different?”
The take action tip for today is if you have a book launch coming up, what can you do to stand out?
What can you do to capture someone’s attention, to do something a little differently, to not just fall in line and just blend in with everyone else.
I don’t want you to blend in, I want you to stand out so that you can be seen.
Create a brainstorming list and let the ideas flow.
See over the next week or so what ideas come, capture them, write them down, brainstorm, set a timer, and write down some ideas.
Then, let me know what kind of ideas you have in the comments below.
5-Day Author Platform Challenge
Make sure to sign up so that you get notifications and get access to see behind the scenes for my launch this week at
This launch is for the print version of my book 9 Strategies to Grow and Build your Author Platform.
I’m not a mother and haven’t been able to have children, but I think it was God’s timing for me to birth this print book close to Mother’s Day weekend. Although I’m not a mother of children, I do have my new book baby this year, so that’s fun.
Sign up for the free 5-Day Author Platform Challenge as you will learn how to grow your author platform without being pushy and self promotional here:
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aeylias lopez says
I appreciate your thoughts and ideas
Shelley Hitz says
You’re welcome!