In this post, I’m going to share my KindleSpy review. I first heard of KindleSpy last year and at the time I didn’t think it offered enough value to recommend it to authors or use it myself. However, I recently had two of my Author Audience Academy members mention it in our forums and recommend it as a helpful tool.
Therefore, I decided to do my own KindleSpy Review and did indeed find it useful with the new updates. They are now on version four of this tool, it’s actually a browser extension, and have added new features. At the time of publishing this review, it is $47 to purchase KindleSpy.
I did a review and demo on Periscope that you can watch below. Simply scroll forward to the four-minute mark to avoid the introductions. And if you’d like to join my scopes live, download the Periscope app and follow me.
KindleSpy Review and Demo
If you have problems viewing the video, try watching it at this link.
Three ways nonfiction authors can use KindleSpy:
1) Choosing a book topic when you have several books you could write.
2) Book pricing to easily get the prices of competing books in your niche. You can download my book pricing formula within Author Audience Academy.
3) Brainstorming book titles.
BONUS: There are other powerful features you can use such as the search function to find out if your keywords are profitable on Amazon and more. I also recommend Kindle Samurai for your main keyword research to find Amazon search phrases customers are using on Amazon. However, once you find your keywords, you can bring them into KindleSpy to get more information.
Tutorial: How to Search for Keywords on Amazon
Here is a short tutorial on how to find keywords for your book on Amazon.
Your Thoughts?
What do you think? Have you used KindleSpy? What did you like about it and did you find it a worthwhile investment?
I found varying reviews online, but overall think it is worth having as an extra tool in your self-publishing toolbox if you plan to publish multiple books.
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