What comes to mind when you think of the term ‘Kingdom Writers’? Moreover, what makes a Kingdom writer different from other writers? In this post, we want to try answering those questions. Indeed, Kingdom or Christian writing is a unique craft and a responsibility we shouldn’t take lightly.
Who are Kingdom Writers?
In Matthew 6:33, we read these familiar words of Jesus,
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (NIV)
As Kingdom Writers, we seek to honor God by partnering with Him in building His kingdom. Consequently, this means we put His agenda and priorities before our own. In fact, our own agendas will begin to align with God’s when we are seeking His face daily.
The Message translation puts Matthew 6:33 this way,
“Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.”
If you’re a coffee or tea drinker, you know all about that word “steep.” Interestingly, one definition of steep that we find in Webster’s dictionary is, “to saturate with or subject thoroughly to (some strong or pervading influence).”
Kingdom Writers are those who are steeped or saturated in God’s Word. Specifically, we spend time with Jesus in order to be saturated with His teaching. Furthermore, as we spend time in prayer, we are steeped in the presence of God and listening for His wisdom and direction for our Christian writing.
In the Christian writing we undertake, we are seeking to influence others by whetting their appetites for Jesus. Specifically, Kingdom Writers share their own stories of how Jesus has changed their lives for eternity.
In Ecclesiastes 3:11, we read that God “has planted eternity in the human heart.”
As Kingdom Writers, we are reminding our readers that they were created for a relationship with God. Additionally, we are instruments that God can use to water the planted seed of eternity in their hearts.
From the Pens of Kingdom Writers
The following are some of the ways fellow Christian writers have defined what it means to be a Kingdom Writer.
Beth Jones –
“Being a Kingdom Writer means writing (and speaking!) the message(s) that God has given me to glorify Jesus and to encourage others and give them hope and stronger faith.” – Beth Jones
Tim Riordan –
“Being a Kingdom Writer means I write under God’s authority, leadership, and empowerment to bear fruit for His glory.” – Tim Riordan
Linda Hulse –
“Writing for the purpose of drawing others to the Lord.”
Laurie Kiel –
“It means to use the talent God has given me to get His message out to the people He loves so much with my own unique voice.”
Heather –
“Being a Kingdom Writer to me means using our God-given gifts and abilities (the talents He has given us) to bring Him glory and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”.
Peggy Lehman –
“Being a Kingdom Writer to me means being inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit so that I write what He wants me to write to the audience that He chooses.”
Aonymous –
“To me being a Kingdom Writer means answering God’s call to write for His glory!”
Cindy Thompson –
“To be a Kingdom Writer means that in all ways I acknowledge that the power of my words comes solely (souly!) from the Author and Finisher of my faith. He has gifted me with a talent to write. I use it for His glory and to touch the hearts of others. And I do it all with a big slice of PIE — Perspiration, Inspiration and Edification!”
Susan Mueller –
“Thinking of myself as a Kingdom Writer is exciting and gives me a new perspective on the importance of getting my words into print for His glory. Thank you, Father, for CJ and Shelley’s guidance in learning to write for You.”
Anonymous –
“Kingdom Writers is my reminder that I am a writer and God has given me this gift to share with one reader or a multitude of readers. Someone somewhere needs to hear my story.”
So many wonderful nuggets in those descriptions of Kingdom Writers!
As Kingdom Writers, our hope is for the Lord to use the words we write to help build His Kingdom. Furthermore, when you think of building materials for a house, there are all kinds of things like wood, cement, sheet rock, nails, screws, tile, shingles, insulation, and much more. In essence, our words are one of the Kingdom-building materials God is using!
Have a Serious Call
While sitting in a Roman prison, the Apostle Paul writes these words to the church in Ephesus,
“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” – Ephesians 4:1 (NIV)
As Kingdom Writers, we need to ask ourselves whether we’re living a life worthy of the calling we have received. Additionally, we are a form of messenger for the Lord. Therefore, we are called to share the most powerful news ever known with a dry and barren world.
A Form of Teacher
“Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” – James 3:1 (NIV)
It’s not a bad idea to have a trusted friend or perhaps our pastor look over some of our writings in order to provide helpful feedback.
United by the same Holy Spirit, may you and I participate in this Christian writing mission with our whole hearts.
In Closing
Here are a few more things that we believe distinguish Kingdom Writers from other writers…
- Our main goal is often to impact lives. Selling books and making money is nice too but is not typically our first motive.
- Kingdom Writers rely on God through prayer. And if you’re new to us, we also recommend that you have a small, private prayer team to support you.
- Kingdom Writers seek God through prayer for decisions. We often call these our business meetings with God and He has often given us the BEST ideas in these meetings
Questions to ponder…
- What does being a Kingdom Writer mean to you?
- When did you first hear God’s call to become a Kingdom Writer?
- What does it mean to “live a life worthy of the call you have received”?
Please share in the comments section below
Resources for Kingdom Writers
- Kingdom Writers YouVersion Reading Plan
- Kingdom Writers Book: KINDLE or PAPERBACK
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