Many of you know my story and that I first started an online business a decade ago. Over the years, it transitioned to working more online until I was able to resign my job as a Physical Therapist 3 years ago. Since that time I have been self-employed working full-time as an author, speaker, and entrepreneur.
However, I do have one regret.
Over the last 10 years, I have learned from many great instructors and coaches online. I’ve taken tons of trainings and continue to learn from some really smart people. And then I love sharing what I’m learning with you!
I have heard people say for years how impactful going to a live event can be for your business. I’ve nodded my head and agreed, but was never convinced to invest in going to one.
It’s been a turning point…really!
I’ve heard (and seen) my colleague, Kristen Eckstein, talk about NAMS (novice to advanced marketing system) for years. I wanted to go this year, but kept dragging my feet. About 2 weeks before the event (I know, last minute, right?) I decided to go. I got a plane ticket on Priceline, found a roommate, and reserved my event ticket.
And I’m so glad I did.
It was the perfect timing for me and my business as we are ready to implement some really exciting things in the next year. Keep tuned for more details!
For me, networking with other experts was the best part.
I met publishing experts Daniel Hall, John Rhodes, Jay Boyer, David Hancock, and many more super smart business owners. Kristen Eckstein and I stayed together the first night and not only grew our friendship, but as a result of meeting at NAMS are now planning some joint projects together for authors. Exciting stuff!
This is a picture with myself, Kristen, David and a photo bomb attempt by Felicia Slattery. 🙂 Fun times!
A little emotional
David Perdew, the founder of NAMS, asked us to share the results we got from the event at the closing session Sunday afternoon. I shared a few thoughts and had no idea I would get emotional. I actually had tears in my eyes as I shared how I felt going to NAMS this year was going to bring breakthrough for my business. I was a bit embarrassed that I started tearing up, but I am truly grateful I took the plunge and committed to going to NAMS12. And anyone who knows me, knows I show my emotions on my sleeve…I simply can’t hide them. That’s just who I am. 😉
A few takeaways from NAMS12…
As I was thinking about NAMS, I wrote down a few of the best takeaways from the event…
- TONS of amazing relationships with really smart and successful (but also super nice and ethical) business owners. I can’t wait to keep connecting and see where it all leads.
- Clarity on an idea for big project (thanks to Nicole Dean, Bob Jenkins, Felicia Slattery, and Natalie Collins all giving me their ear and sharing their ideas with me at some point this weekend)
- Entering into a JV partnership that has the potential to lead into something pretty huge. Excited!
- Signed up for Beachpreneurs in October with Nicole Dean and Kelly McCausey to continue learning and growing from these amazing women. Can’t wait!
- I’m sure there’s more…the only regret I have is that I didn’t come sooner. A BIG thank you to Kristen Eckstein for encouraging me to come this year!
The next steps…
Today I’m processing the weekend, following up with contacts I made, and going through my notes from the training sessions.
There was TONS of great training shared at NAMS (my favorite session was about podcasting because he shared so much good information…plus I’m getting ready to launch a podcast of my own soon).
The cool thing is they have something for everyone.
They break up the trainings into 100, 200, 300, and 400 levels so there is training for you if you are a beginner and if you are advanced. They recorded all the sessions and you can get the replays here:
And if you are interested in coming to NAMS in March, right now the tickets are just $197 here (not sure how long David will keep the price this low):
NAMS won’t be the right fit for everyone. But, if you want to grow your author business online, I would definitely check it out.
This is a spontaneous selfie taken by Joel Comm, NYT best-selling author, on the last day of NAMS12. Can you find me?
Photo credit: Joel Comm
I feel so thankful for the opportunity I had to attend NAMS and for all the friendships I formed over the last few days.
What have you done recently that encouraged your success? Share your answers in the comments below!
Shelley – thanks for the nice words about my baby. NAMS is a very special event. I know everyone says that, but NO ONE does 5 tracks of live hands-on training. No one…
Glad you enjoyed and looking forward to seeing you in March.
You’re welcome, David! It is a special event. And takes an incredible amount of time and resources to organize. So, thank you!!
Shelley – I loved spending time with you at NAMS. And I can’t wait to interview you for my podcast series. I hope you decide to attend more events, as they are totally worth it.
Connie Ragen Green
Connie, It was great to finally meet you! I’m so excited to be on your podcast and will definitely be attending more live events!! 🙂