This episode was originally recorded inside our Christian Book Academy Facebook group as live videos. However, we wanted to also encourage you in the writing, publishing, and marketing of your books.
Today’s topic is: A Higher Calling
Are we willing to leave behind the world’s idea of success in order to pursue a higher calling?
Could we possibly chase after earthly success after seeing Jesus work a miracle like this in our own lives?
Subscribe to the podcast here.
Notes from this episode:
Luke 5:1-11
- Peter was tired. He had been up all night and was frustrated by the lack of success. The catch had been terrible.
- Have you been frustrated with a lack of success? Have you been up all night working hard with little to show for your efforts?
- If the fish weren’t running at night, chances were slimmer they would be running during the day.
- But Jesus was in the boat that day. Jesus may ask us to try something out of the ordinary after we have exhausted our own efforts.
- How would you respond to such a catch? We would probably pull out a contract on the spot asking Jesus to show up once a month at the dock. Talk about a lucrative business!
- What if you and I sold a million books and made the New York Times Bestseller list overnight? How would this change us knowing Jesus was the One who made it happen?
- Peter’s response in Luke 5:8
- Peter was a ruined man as he saw his filthiness next to the absolute holiness of Jesus. Fish were no longer the main thing. Jesus was the main thing.
- Notice that Jesus didn’t lecture or rebuke Peter. All he did was show Peter how to catch fish.
- Jesus replied, “Don’t be afraid.” In other words, “Peter, I’m not going to strike you dead.”
- Peter’s fishing was going to take on greater meaning as he followed Jesus
- “They left everything and followed Jesus.” (Luke 5:11)
May we all be gloriously ruined and undone in the presence of Jesus like Peter was that day.
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