Twitter marketing for authors can be quite confusing when you first get started. Ruth L. Snyder, author of the Learn Twitter book series, shares a Twitter strategy that she uses to maximize her time so she has more time left over to write. Listen in to today’s podcast for these Twitter tips. Listen Below:
60+ Thanksgiving Hashtags
Hashtags are a great way to increase the visibility of your Tweets. They can also be used on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and other social media sites as well. With that in mind, we want to share 60+ hashtags you can use in your marketing this Thanksgiving. (You can learn more about hashtags here.) 15 Thanksgiving […]
How to Grow Your Twitter Followers (and our Manage Flitter Review)
Do you want to learn how to grow your Twitter followers with people in your target audience who are active and likely to follow you back? In this video I will show you how to do this manually as well as share our Manage Flitter review. We have started using this tool to find twitter followers […]
How To Write An Effective Book Tweet
“How do I write an effective book tweet?” “What hashtags do you use for marketing your book on Twitter?” “What works best to sell a book in a Tweet?” Have you ever asked those questions? All three are questions that I saw on Facebook in one form or another this week, so you are not […]
3 Easy Ways To Add Tweets To Your Blog Posts
Online marketing is all about encouraging others to help you spread your message. We can do this by adding tweet or pin it buttons to our post (see above), but those only go so far. They are becoming the standard for readers and are frequently overlooked. So how can we encourage our following to help […]
106 Hashtags for the Holiday Season
If you’ve spent any amount of time on Twitter, you’ve probably seen a few hashtags. In fact, if you’ve watched T.V. or been on any social media, you’ve probably seen a fair share of hashtags. What you might not know is why. There are a few reasons really. The first is that hashtags are an […]
40 Hashtags for Authors
We have come up with a list of hashtags for authors from our own book marketing efforts and now we want to share this list of 40 with you. Please share any other hashtags you use in the comments below. Note: This is not an extensive list but only a few general suggestions to get […]