If you’ve spent any amount of time on Twitter, you’ve probably seen a few hashtags. In fact, if you’ve watched T.V. or been on any social media, you’ve probably seen a fair share of hashtags. What you might not know is why. There are a few reasons really.
The first is that hashtags are an easy way to track a topic. If you have something you want to track across Twitter, you can add or look up a hashtag and easily track tweets that contain it.
Second, they help boost exposure. The right hashtag can take a tweet places. If hashtags make it easy to track tweets, it’s easy to understand that it might help your tweet get more exposure. Adding a relevant hashtag can get your tweet in front of everyone who’s already searching for it. This is the main reason book marketers recommend hashtags right here… but again, it’s not the only reason to use hashtags.
The right hashtag can take a tweet places –> Here’s 106 for the holiday season: http://t.co/55ytLdFpGm #HappyHolidays #marketing
— Training Authors (@trainingauthors) November 21, 2013
Third, they are great for expressing thoughts or feelings. You can add a hashtag to the end of a tweet to share a little emotion – #facepalm, #excited and #seriously would be examples. These can show your readers that you’re real and that you have a personality!
Next, they can be festive! Show a little Christmas spirit with a hashtag or two. #ilovechristmas (click to tweet).
There are a ton of reasons to use hashtags – and everyone has their own motives. No matter what your reason is, we highly recommend adding hashtags to your tweets this Christmas. We have more information on hashtags, and our list of hashtags for authors here. For now, check out these 106 hashtags for the holiday season:
General Christmas
#Christmas2013 (update year as needed)
New Years
Looking for more holiday marketing tips?
Pick up a copy of “Holiday Marketing” – only 99 cents on Amazon.
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5 Ways to Boost Your Book Sales This Christmas –
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