==> Get your copy of KDROI here <==
NOTE: When you purchase through my affiliate link above, you’ll also get my BONUS which is a PDF copy of my book, Amazon for Authors.
Also, although my review video shows me submitting a free book promotion, you can also submit 99 cent books using this software. WooHoo!
How do you submit your free KDP promotion?
- Do you use Fiverr?
- Maybe you have freelancers that promote your Kindle eBooks?
- Or maybe you use a book submission tool where you need to pay a fee every time you schedule a new promotion?
- Doing it yourself?
Whatever you use, there’s no denying that it can be time consuming and pretty costly when marketing each of your Kindle eBooks.
Well, not anymore.
I’ve just reviewed a new software from the creator of KDSPY.
It’s called:
Just like KDSPY, it’s a very simple to use Chrome or Firefox extension.
It makes it “super simple” to submit your Kindle books FREE KDP days to a bunch of sites.
Here’s how it works:
- You setup a FREE KDP promotion for your Kindle book in your KDP account.
- Click on the link in your KDP to view your book on the Kindle Store.
- Click on KDROI & enter your email address.
- Select the sites you want to submit to. (21 sites so far & growing).
- Click submit.… and in less than 15 seconds, you’re done.
This however, is JUST v1.
Wesley, the creator of KDSPY, is relentless with updates.
You’ll know that’s true if you use KDSPY.
And I have word from the creator that’s he’s in the process of adding Permafree, 99 cent and KU submissions.
How AWESOME to have one tool to use for multiple types of promotions. I’m really excited about the upcoming updates.
Not to mention, he’s also planning on adding Facebook group & Twitter handle submissions as well.
So, with KDROI, you can forget outsourcing your promotions on Fiverr or paying for a book submission tool each time.
Do it yourself, in JUST 15 seconds and a handful of clicks.
Saving yourself a fortune in the process with just a small ONE TIME fee for the software.
That’s right — NO annual fee or “per submission” cost.
* One time fee.
* Lifetime updates.
* Unlimited use.
Submit thousands of books and don’t pay an extra cent.
That’s an amazing value in my book.
Only you can decide if it’s worth it for your business. But, I am planning on using it for mine and will be using it over and over again.
I highly recommend this tool!
Get all the information and download your copy here: http://www.shelleyhitz.com/kdroi
NOTE: When you purchase through my affiliate link above, you’ll also get my BONUS which is a PDF copy of my book, Amazon for Authors.
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