Goal setting and how to achieve goals. There is a simple step you can take today that could make all the difference. I’m going to share it with you in this post.
There is power in writing down your goals. At the beginning of this year, I purchased a Passion Planner. And I love it. In the Passion Planner, there is a section where you can write out your goals. I took the time and wrote out my three-month, one-year, three-year, and lifetime goals.
I do realize these goals may change over time. But part of the power is sitting down, praying over them, and writing down goals that you really see as being the next step for you.
My Goals for 2015
One of those goals I wrote was to be booked as a keynote speaker at an author event. I wanted to reach that goal within a year.
Well, I’m excited to announce that I just signed a speaker agreement to keynote at an author event.
It’s going to be for the Inscribe Christian Writers Fellowship in Canada. Not only will I be keynoting at an author event (and will be paid to speak), but I will be speaking to Christian authors in an international audience. Therefore, for many reasons, it is exciting for me. I will be keynoting in 2017, so it’s still ways away; however, it’s so exciting for me to see some of my goals starting to happen.
Goal Setting 101: Write Down Your Goals
I encourage you right now; if you have not, take time to sit down and write out your goals.
Write out goals you would like to achieve within three months, one year, three years, and maybe even a lifetime. Check out the Passion Planner to help you in this process.
And if you have met a goal this year already that you set, share it with me in the comments below.
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