What can you do to set yourself apart from your competition? In this post, I share one strategy I have used to help my product stand out and be different from the rest.
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Create Personalized Videos
Something that sets me apart from other author coaches in the field is my that I actually record a personalized video for every single new member that comes into my academy.
In the one-minute video, I personally welcome my new members. I also tell them the top two things that they can do to get the most return on their investment in the membership. It’s amazing how some people are surprised that my personalized video is truly personalized.
One of my new members actually emailed me back, and said, “Shelley, I almost fell out of my chair when I heard you say my name.” She was impressed.
This is one way I can show my new members that they are in for something new, something different and something personal within Author Audience Academy.
I want them to know that I am a personal coach and will be available to help them daily in our private Facebook group.
Due to a special promotion we just had for my academy, I ended up recording over 100 personal videos last week! One day I recorded over 50 and posted about it here.
It does take a little extra effort, but it’s worth it. I have current members that still comment about their video and how it make them feel special.
What Can You Do to Stand Out?
So think about it. What is something you can do to be different from your competition?
Whether it’s books, products, memberships, I encourage you to look for small ways to give your customers a unique experience.
Keep these questions in mind:
- “How can I give personal touch points to my automated messages?”
- “How can I “wow” my customers?”
- “How can I stand out from my competition?”
- “How can I make an impact that people will never forget?”
- “What are some little things that I can integrate into my customer map, my customer experience?”
I would love to hear from you. You can let me know some of the ideas that you in the comments below.
Join AuthorAudienceAcademy.com, to get more tips on publishing, marketing and selling your books.
And when you sign up as a member of Author Audience Academy, you’ll get this personalized video from me. See you there!
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