Guest Post by Heather Erdmann
After months, or even years, of hard work and dedication, your book is finally published! Now, you need to get that book out into the world and in the hands of your future readers. Whether traditionally published or self-published, a book launch is the best way to do that. Yet many of us aren’t even sure where to begin. This article will show you how to launch a book with several book launch ideas to get you started!
Setting Up a Book Launch Marketing Plan
If you are a Christian author, the most important thing you can do before setting up a book launch is to pray and ask the Lord for wisdom, guidance, and favor so that He will reach whomever He wants to with your new book.
Then, you can begin your book launch marketing plan. The first things to decide are how much time, money, and effort you are willing to invest. Many authors take several weeks or months to carry out a book launch, and some take up to an entire year.
Next, decide how much money you are willing to spend. If finances are limited you may want to keep your book launch simple and only promote it to free sites like your website, social media platforms, and email list. Otherwise, if you have money allotted for your book launch, you can order merchandise to promote your book, use paid ads, and plan more elaborate events like a book launch party or a book signing complete with food, decorations, and giveaways!
Book Launch Activities
The main goal of a book launch is to get as much visibility as possible while your book is still new. Getting exposure and book reviews should be your primary focus, as more reviews lead to more exposure and potential readers, which leads to more reviews. This is the cycle you want to begin at your launch and continue in your ongoing book marketing.
There are several book launch ideas to choose from to successfully launch your book into the world including:
- Create an author website if you don’t already have one
- Add a separate page for your book to your website that allows readers to learn about your book and offers a link to order
- Start an email list if you don’t already have one, and if you do, send email list announcements to your current subscribers
- Set up a Book Launch Team (ask friends, family, social media followers, email list subscribers, etc.) and decide what you will have them do, and what you will offer them for participating
- Use social media promotions on your existing platforms (You can use a free site like Canva to create eye-catching social media graphics to promote your book launch.)
- Use paid ads on social media and/or book promotion sites (see below for resources)
- Announce your book on social media groups and pages
- Set up author profile pages on book sites like Amazon and Goodreads
- Make an author page on Facebook and other social media sites to interact with your readers
- Consider collaborating with other authors and content creators with similar niches to cross-promote your book to their social media followers or email subscribers.
- Set up collaborations for guest blogging, podcast interviews, and in-person speaking events
- Host a Book Launch Party at a local venue and/or do a Book Signing Event at a local bookstore or library. (Contact them for possible hosting options and pricing.)
- Plan a giveaway for one or more of your signed books and any related swag you may want to include to get potential readers to sign up for your email list
- Put your e-book for free or .99, and your print book for a discounted price during your book launch. (This will help to increase sales, organic traffic, and book reviews.)
Once you know your book’s release date, you can start working backward with your book launch timeline.
Book Launch Timeline
One of the most important aspects of knowing how to launch a book includes having a solid plan in place. To set a book launch timeline, you first need to decide on a date to begin your book launch and decide your budget because that will dictate how many activities you want to incorporate and how much time you will need to accomplish everything.
Here is a sample book launch timeline incorporating the book launch ideas above:
Two-Six Months Before the Book Launch:
- Finalize print and e-book editions of your book
- Order a physical proof copy and review it for any last minute changes
- Enlist a Book Launch Team if using one
- Send out review copies of your book to your book launch team
- Create social media graphics for your Book Launch Team to promote your book
- Sign up for author sites and put in your bio
- Decide if you want to order any swag (such as bookmarks, pens, etc.) or giveaway items for your in-person book launch party or book signing events
- Make sure you have ordered enough physical copies of your book for events and early sales
- Secure a venue for any in-person events and plan and pre-order any needed food and decorations
- Determine guest list and send out invitations
One Month Before a Book Launch:
- Update Amazon Author Central and other book sites such as Goodreads, Bookbub, etc.
- Update your website to include a page for your new book
- Set up any paid ads
- Start promoting any local book launch events you are planning
- Create graphics and promotional materials for your email list and social media platforms to promote your book launch online
One-Three Weeks Before a Book Launch:
- Finalize all book launch plans
- Send promotional graphics and materials to your book launch team
- Remind pre-readers and book launch team to submit reviews to Amazon and Goodreads on the book’s release date
- Confirm that any paid advertisements are ready to run
Book Launch Day:
- Email your book launch team with reminders to share the social media graphics and promo materials you have created for them
- Email your subscribers to let them know of the book’s release and any sale prices offered
- Share your own social media announcements and interact with anyone who responds
- Monitor your paid ads and make adjustments as needed
- Monitor your book sales to watch for possible “Best-Seller” status which you can also promote to your email and social media subscribers
- Host and attend your planned in-person party or book signing event and interact with your guests, sell books, and collect email addresses to add to your list of subscribers AND/OR complete collaborations such as podcast interviews, guest email or blog articles, or even a live book launch party online!
- Most importantly have fun and celebrate!
How to Launch a Book
Learning how to launch a book isn’t difficult, but it does take prayer, planning, and preparation. This guide should help give you some ideas for a book marketing plan template to carry out a successful book launch!
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