Today’s post is from Katie Davis, so we thought we’d take just a moment to introduce her…
Katie Davis’ books, published by Harcourt, S&S, and HarperCollins, have sold over a quarter of a million copies, which is why she then published How to Promote Your Children’s Book: Tips, Tricks, and Secrets to Create a Bestseller, which launched at #1 on Amazon.
Katie’s also known in her niche as one of the first “writerpreneurs,” through her products that support writers, and #1 podcast, Brain Burps About Books.
After winning the 2012 School Library Journal Trailee Award, Katie launched Video Idiot Boot Camp: For People Who Think Videos Are Hard To Create. She’s passionate about the power of video to connect writers and small business owners to their communities.
Katie has been honored to speak everywhere from a maximum security prison, to schools around the world, to keynotes at conferences and fundraising galas.
So without further ado, Katie want’s to let you know how to avoid being a V.I.D.I.O.T.!
V – Videos get seen
- YouTube got 4 BILLION views a day in 2012, up from 2 billion views per day in 2010.
- Their number of views are only going up! * The average user spends 23 minutes a day on YouTube.
- YouTube is the 3rd most visited site on the Internet.
- Videos can be embedded on your site, posted on FB, tweeted, and plussed one on Google giving them the potential to reach many more people as they are reshared and retweeted from your followers to their friends and so on and so on.
I – Increase traffic to your website
- Videos rank higher in Google searches.
- Google shows YouTube results.
- YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine.
- People get to know you before they get to your site. If they’ve seen your video and then they go to your site, they are truly interested in what you are doing. They are “qualified”.
D – Develop relationships with your audience
- You feel like you know your favorite actor because you’ve seen all their movies. You’ve watched all their interviews and you follow them on Twitter, but you’ve never met.
- You can create similar relationships with your audience. They’ll feel like they know you the more you engage with them through video.
- Create videos of interest to your audience – Did you write a book about ice cream? Make a video about how to make ice cream at home.
- YouTube (and other video sharing sites) are social. Find other people to follow and comment on their videos.
- When someone comments on your video – respond!
- As people feel loyal to you, they will want to support you and your efforts…..and buy your books!
I – Involve 21st century readers where they are
- Whose watching videos? Your audience.
- Kids are watching videos on their tablets, phones and computers.
- Teachers use videos in their classrooms
O – Old books? Bring them to a new audience
- Old books sit on a shelf until someone picks them up.
- Old videos are seen by a new audience all the time. The longer the videos are posted, the more views they get. The more views they get the higher up in searches they appear.
- Wrote a book about Kindergarten? There are new kindergarteners every year. Your video will have a fresh audience every year. You can promote to that audience easily with your video.
T – Think Brand Building
- If you are an author, illustrator or small business owner, you are your brand.
Now you know how not to be a V.I.D.I.O.T. and why It’s Time to Enlist in Video Idiot Boot Camp!
We’re hosting Katie in a free webinar this coming Thursday at 8PM Eastern, and we’d love to have you join us. Find out more at:
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