As this year draws to a close, we’re looking ahead to 2014 with the hopes of continuing to help you reach for success. One way we have considered doing that would be to host live Q&A sessions via Google Hangouts every few months.
Before we make solid plans, we wanted to ask you if you would be interested in attending? If so, please leave us a comment below and let us know.
Here’s how it would work:
- Every quarter, we would host a free webinar where we answer your questions about writing, publishing, and marketing.
- You would be able to submit your questions live or in advance.
- The replay would be available on our blog, so even if you can’t make it live, you can still benefit.
- These would come at no cost to you and be driven by you and your questions. No pitch from us, just open, honest answers to help you reach for success.
Are you interested?
If you’re interested in attending, could you please comment below and let us know?
Also, let us know if there is a certain day of the week that would work best for you. Based off our schedules, these sessions would be held on a weekday during the day.
Our busy schedules prevent us from answering individual questions and doing private coaching, but we do want to provide a way for you to get your questions answered.
Let us know what you think below!
I’d like this concept!
Yes, I would definitely be interested. Thanks for thinking of this idea.
This sounds like a great idea! I would be interested! Merry Christmas!
I think this would be helpful and I hope you decide to do it.
Hi Ladies
This is a great idea but for any of us with snail-speed broadband/wifi it’s difficult and there’s also time differences, so the facility to access podcasts or transcripts would be good.
Great feedback! I think we should be able to extract the audio from our hangout videos fairly easily, so we will keep that in mind. Thanks 🙂
It is a good idea and I hope you follow through with it. I think that having it available as a download or PDF would be important since I may not be available when you schedule the seminar.
Having a transcript on a history of certain subjects would be a good resource for authors.
I will attend whenever possible.
Good Luck and thanks for thinking of us.
Yes great idea and I will attend. .
Yes, I love hangouts. Others have been able to record them, so they should be accessible on YouTube for those who can’t attend live.
Hey Linda,
We will definitely record them and make the replays available from both our YouTube channel and here on our blog.
Most certainly would love to have community input and share with others.
Sounds a great idea.
Sounds good. I teach Wednesday and Thursdays so those dates would not be good for me but if we have the ability to submit questions in advance and if a replay is available then it takes care of availability.
Thanks for the feedback, Diane!
Great idea! Looking forward to 2014!
Yes, I am interested. Thanks for your knd invitation. I look fwd to the “Hangouts” and more. Have a wonderful 2014!
Sounds wonderful – I would most likely attend!
I am not the best with social media, but am on google plus though I have only a little understanding of how it actually works. However, with that said, I am interested in the hangout idea and would certainly love to attend. My best days is anything except Friday. There will be times I cannot attend, so would truly appreciate the ability to access the information at a later time. I will look forward to hearing more about this idea.
Thank you for the many wonderful tips you give on a regular basis. They have been helpful.
Have a wonderful holiday season.
Thanks for weighing in, Aya! It’s looking like this is something a lot of authors are interested in, and it’s good to know where you all stand. We’ll try to share a Google+ attendee training before we host the first one. We do have a tutorial on how to host one on our blog if you want to check that out:
Yes!! I would love to attend the hangouts.
Count me in. I’ll make the coffee for everybody.
Awesome! I am definitely a coffee lover 🙂
I would be interested in attending.
I’m interested.
I think this is a fabulous idea! Having the ability to ask questions and have personalized input always helps me to implement what I’m learning.
Great! Thanks, Sharon. It sounds like it’s going to be an exciting year and we’re always happy to help!
I would be interested in attending; I’ve learned a lot from you. Any day is fine; whatever works for you all – the replay option makes it all work. Oh, and Merry Christmas!
I love the idea! However, I’m not available during the day, so I would be part of the podcast and/or YouTube group.
I would be interested.
MON – FRI at 3 PM ET works best for me.
Sounds interesting although I’ve not yet done any of the google hangouts so some instruction would be needed. Also, I find that the times of the events are frequently at a time that I am engaged elsewhere. So having the ability to view it at my convenience – like 1 or 2 AM, would be perfect. Best wishes ….. S>
I just found you yesterday but it sounds really great to me…hope you do it.
Thanks, Beth! We’re glad you found us!
I am not familiar with Google hangouts but am willing to learn. I would be interested.
Good to know! Thanks for weighing in, Pat. Google hangouts are pretty straight forward. We’ll embed them here on our blog as well as create Google events for them. We have a hangout on Monday if you want to check out how it works – it isn’t one of these Q&A sessions that we’re planning for next year, but it will still have a ton of great information. You can hop over to our event page to find out more:
I definitely want to attend or be able to catch the replay. I strongly encourage you to proceed with this plan!
Thanks, Donna! I had a feeling you’d want to be there. 😉
I don’t do all that well with Q&A’s (or even audio lessons). I do think it is worthwhile, when people have Q&A’s if they publish transcripts of what happened.Not too many people take the time to make such things happen.
I can tell you right now that the chances that I would participate in a Q&A are slim to none.
Thanks, Margaret. We appreciate you sharing your opinion. We’re not sure if we’ll have the transcripts done or not, but we are considering it.
I would be interested as long as the webinars are downloadable. With me bing blind, I’m not sure if Google Hangouts is accessible, so I’d need another way to ask questions. Also, maybe these webinars could also be done via conference call.
Thanks for weighing in, Nicole. I’m not sure what options Google has for accessibility. You will be able to submit questions here on our blog though for sure, and while they probably aren’t easily downloadable, we will keep the replay here on our blog.
I am aware of what a hangout is composed of as I am not too computer savy. But if I can figure it out it would be wonderful to hear what others have to say. Tuesdays are good.
I like this idea very much. Right now my schedule permits me to attend just about any time of day. But when my schedule changes at least I know I can post a question in advance and still be able to view the conversation later on. 🙂
I would really enjoy that.
Most definitely!
Let’s do it!
Yes, I would be interested in a Q&A group that is not tied to a profit center to explore ideas and opportunities that could help authors sort through the good-bad-& ugly of self-publishing to know those things that are desirable and those that should be ignored.
Looks like you’re getting good support for this idea. I’m in although I may not be able to make every session. The idea of a recorded version of the sessions is a good one. It allows those with time/schedule conflicts to have access.
I think one of the greatest benefits will be the camaraderie and energy that develops with the group.
It’s a great idea; I probably would not be able to attend live, but would certainly be interested in asking questions in advance and watching replays. Thanks for your enthusiasm, commitment, and help!
Yes, I love the idea of sharing ideas with others. Your material to date has been enormously helpful. Thanks, Beth
Yes, I am interested, and any day will do. I work from home.
I think this is a terrific idea and I’m all for it! Thanks for making something like this available to us.
I think hangouts are a brilliant idea. I attend these for my online marketing business & they are extremely helpful
Sounds great to me! Transcripts & links to downloads sound really great since schedules often fluctuate for many people.
Although I live in Greece and I additionaly am not familiar with the technical part of those seminars, I’m very interested and willing to try.
Thanks for the offer and Merry Christmas
Kate Papas
Yes, I would definitely be interested. Thanks for your consideration.
Merry Christmas,
Deborah H. Bateman
I like it. Early in the week is best for me, Mon-Wed, after 1:00 pm.
Thanks, Marianne – what timezone are you?
I’m in good ol Blighty!! so we will have a slight time difference, but happy to catch it later, or you could stay up late or perhaps get up real early :O)
I’m not sure I’d watch this. I do better simply reading the information. I tend to get restless staring at a screen for long.
Thanks for letting us know, Sarah. We are considering doing a transcript, but we can’t promise one at this point. We’ll have to wait and see how it goes.
I do attend some hangouts with another group, and I know Ggl is still having technical issues to sort out with this venture of theirs. Even simple things like signin protocols.
But given that we are a bunch of pioneers, I say let’s go for it! When ppl ask questions in advance via email or whatever, that allows the presenters to sort topics and address them in some depth. One shortcoming imho, of the hangout mode, is that different shreds of the same deeper question get asked/answered over and over and the central question does not get addressed. I know you ladies can tackle that little problem quite nicely!
In many ways, we can provide leadership for the hangout mode, and then write books about it!
I LOVE your enthusiasm!
Good & Innovative idea. Once in 2-months may be good to get better participation. Also consider, timing for internationals so that they need not be awakened at late night! Thanks.
-John Cyurs
Count me in. Monday and Wed. work best for me. Phyllis
I am interested. Renee
Sound great. Count me in.
A great idea. The podcast version might be better for some on different time zones. In some cases I find it helps the disappointment when the event has already happened. 🙂
Thanks for letting us know, Glynis! We’ll definitely have the replay available for those who can’t make it live.
This concept sounds very interesting. I have no favourite day of the week, as I would try to make time for the Q&A sessions, though time might be important because of different time zone.
Seems like a great idea to me, I would defenetly take part in them.
I am interested. Fridays at 3pm would be best for me.
Excellent Idea! Please move forward with it! Thank You!
I am always interested in the webinars but also find it difficult to tune in due to time differences. PDF, podcast – anything like that would be great for me
Thanks – I have loved everything so far
Yes!! I would be interested!!
Yes, this sounds intriguing.
Would blessed to participate. Looking g forward to it.
Hi there,
I am a big fan of yours, Shelley. I would love to attend/listen later ! First, please inform about how to get situated on Google Hangout for us novices. Thanks very much.
I’ve used hangouts before, although I still consider myself a novice. However I’m based in the UK and I imagine I won’t be able to attend to the live events. Hopefully you’ll record these (I think they go straight to youtube) and then I can look at them later.
Thanks for your wonderful effort
Peter (UK)
Yes! I’d attend!
I would love to participate. Friday is an impossible day
I would like to be a part of this question and answer group.
Yes I am interested! Wednesday and Thursdays are best for me but I think it’s great you’re allowing us to post questions in advance and then come back later if we missed the live session.
Thank you, looking forward to this.
Take care,