On a level of 1 to 10, where is your passion for life and your work today?
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Passion for Your Work
As I grow roots deeper and deeper into the areas I’m most passionate about, my energy grows.
I can’t help but get excited. But I’m not like this 100% of the time. I need down time and alone time.
However, who you see online is who I truly am. It’s not an act or me trying to be someone else. It’s me.
So many people in the last couple days have privately told me how much ENERGY I have. LOL
You may see it as ENERGY, but to be honest it is simply the PASSION God has given me shining through.
There are days I don’t have energy.
But, when you follow God’s call for your life and are living in what I call your “sweet spot” – the center of God’s will – I believe your passion will shine through.
It looks different for everyone, yes.
I’m an extrovert and so you’ll see a lot of videos from me. In fact, I got really emotional at the end of our Author Audience Academy accountability call this week. You can watch a short clip here.
But, if you don’t feel PASSION for your work right now, I encourage you to get alone with God and seek Him in this area.
It might be that He’s asked you to do something and you still haven’t taken that step of faith. It may be fear holding you back. It may be doubts or the voices of others replaying in your mind.
Or it may be that you’ve been pursuing your will instead of His.
I did that for years.
I would say it was just this past year that I finally surrendered 100% to His way.
I still struggle and sometimes meander off the path. But, in the depths of my soul, I know I’m doing what I’m meant to do.
And almost every day I do something that scares me, gives me butterflies in my stomach and doesn’t feel easy.
However, it amazes me how God continues to provide. And He is giving me the courage to do it afraid.
I don’t think the fear will ever fully go away. But, His peace does come flooding in as I walk in obedience one step at a time.
If writing and publishing a book is the next step for you, join us inside Author Audience Academy.
Not only do you get the training and tools you need, you will get the encouragement and prayers to get you through the tough days.
==> www.authoraudienceacademy.com/vip
Anyway, to everyone who supported my book launch this week, thank you. You are the bomb dot com! :
And for those who read the email about being locked out of our Jeep, we got it fixed. YAY! There was a part loose in our hatchback and so now we are back in business.
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