Is 99 cents the new free? Several marketers have made that declaration, and while it’s still highly debatable, many authors are running 99 cent promotions. In this post we’ll share over 15 places where you can promote your 99 cent eBook, but first we are going to share several reasons to consider a 99 cent book promotion.
3 Reasons to Consider Selling Your Book for 99¢
1. Launch A New Book – If you are launching a new book, setting the price at 99 cents early on can help generate interest and kickstart your sales.
2. Boost Your Sales Rankings – Dropping the price of your book to 99 cents for a short time can help you increase your sales rankings while still generating income.
3. Appeal to Bargain Book Buyers – There is a group of readers that only buy eBooks that are priced at 99 cents. No matter how appealing your book might be, they won’t even consider it if it’s priced at anything over a buck.
Of course there are other reasons that you may decide to price your book at 99 cents. We have multiple books that permanently use that price-point. Most are shorter eBooks or the first in a series, all were priced strategically and we recommend doing research and planning ahead before determining the best price for your eBooks. You might find this article Shelley wrote on pricing strategies helpful if you aren’t sure what price is best for your eBook.
Also, BookBub has an article that might be of interest to you: 11 Things You Don’t Know About Bargain Ebook Buyers
How Far in Advance Should I Submit My Book?
Every site varies, but we recommend submitting at least 1-2 weeks in advance. The spots fill up quick and you want to be able to give your promotion the best opportunity you can.
Software to Submit Your 99 cent eBook
Although my review video shows me submitting a free book promotion, you can also submit 99 cent books using this software. WooHoo!
The BEST part is you buy the software once and can use it
over and over again for multiple book promotions.
==> Get your copy of KDROI here <==
NOTE: When you purchase through my affiliate link above, you’ll also get my BONUS which is a PDF copy of my book, Amazon for Authors.
KDROI Software
A tool to consider using during your $0.99 promotion is called KDROI. They will automatically submit your book to multiple sites for consideration to be featured during your promotion.
There is not a guarantee that you will be featured, but this tool gives you an easy way to submit your book to multiple sites at once.
Download this tool here: (aff link)
You can also see a review of this tool I did here:
In the review I demonstrate how to use it for a free promotion, but it works the same way for a $0.99 promotion. You’ll just choose the option for $0.99 instead of free when setting it up.
These are the sites KDROI currently submits to for a 99 cent promotion:
Updated 5/12/23: These sites change frequently so make sure to check their requirements before submitting.
9 Places to Promote Your 99 cent eBook for FREE
Digital Book Today:
Their deal or book of the day would probably be the best fit.
Discount Book Man:
Submit your promotion here:
Reading Deals:
They currently offer a free and paid option:
eBook Lister:
Submit here:
Choosy Book Worm:
You can submit your book here:
Awesome Gang:
Submit here:
Free 99 Books:
Submit here:
$0.99 Thrifty Thursdays:
Each Thursday, they put up a post calling for anyone who has a book priced at 99¢ every Thursday. They will not post erotica, religious, or political books:
Pixel of Ink $0.99 Bargain Book:
They are not currently accepting advertising but you can join their author email list to be notified of any promotions they offer in the future.
Create a free author profile at BookLemur. Click here.
17 Paid Advertising Options for Promoting Your 99 cent eBooks
BookBub is VERY selective in who they choose to feature, but if you can get accepted, be prepared to sell a lot of books. One key is to have plenty of reviews on Amazon before you submit to BookBub. Find out more here:
Ereader News Today:
We have also had good results using Ereader News Today. You can submit a $0.99 book for their bargain book of the day. You can get all the details and submit your book here:
Bargain Booksy:
Their prices vary by genre here:
Book Lemur:
This website promotes eBooks priced under $2.99 on their website, via genre targeted e-mails and on social media. They allow you to select the date of your promotion, however, they do fill up fast, so make sure you purchase your ad in advance here:
The eReader Cafe:
Sell your books at The eReader Cafe:
Hot Zippy:
This service offers paid options for promoting your 99 cent eBook on multiple platforms:
The Fussy Librarian:
Most genres can be submitted here for free, but there is a small fee for extremely popular categories, and on occasion categories get completely booked up:
Book Gorilla:
Owned by Kindle Nation Daily, this website promotes 99cent eBooks for between $40 and $50:
Tweet Your Books:
They offer different packages to promote your books on Twitter:
Genre Pulse:
They offer different packages here:
Book Sends:
Promote your Kindle book here:
They now offer a wide range of services for both traditionally and self-published authors.
Advertise your ebook on Bookdealio:
They offer different promotions:
Robin Reads
Robin Reads is an innovative and supportive service for both publishers and authors looking to expand their audiences.
They have upcoming promos for the book promotion.
Book Basset is offering two promotional opportunities for authors namely: Featured Author Post, Guaranteed Freebie Post, and Ereaderiq Daily Deals and & Steals Promotion. Click here:
Free & Discounted Books:
This site offers a promotion for 99 cent eBooks for $5-10. They also have packages available to submit your 99 book to other sites, and share about it on social media (please note we have not used this site):
Facebook Group Specifically for 99 cent eBooks
Author 99cent Book Promotions:
Group to promote 99 cent FICTION books:
You can also run a Goodreads ad. We have not personally done this, but it is something you could try. If you’ve run ads on Goodreads, let us know how it went in the comments below.
2 Places for Christian Authors to Promote Their 99 cent eBooks
Christian Kindle News:
If you have an eBook on Kindle that is more than 50% off the original digital list price or its paperback price then they will list it here for a small fee:
The Rebel Christian
TRC sends a newsletter to our Christian readers featuring a list of Christian books.
Faithful Reads:
Submit your bargain book here:
conie says
Thanks I’ve used 99 Cent Network and it a great place for ebook promotion
dane says
Just wanted to point out that at the present time, is not listing $.99 books for free. They are charging $5 per title. This apparently changed since the above info was posted.
Shelley Hitz says
Thanks! We updated the post 🙂
BookBear says
Hi Shelley,
Could you add BookBear to your list? We can be found at! We would be BEARY grateful. We are offer paid promotions for eBooks $3.99 dollars or lower.
Many thanks,
Connie Corcoran Wilson says
I am currently breaking a larger Route 66 book down state-by-state and am going to be putting them into 6 (or so) smaller books, with pictures re-inserted
The website for the paperbacks is
First book is out: Ghostly Tales of Oklahoma: Route 66.
What are your rates to advertise the new book, which is currently priced at $2.99? When I get all of the shorter ones up, I am probably going to reduce the price to 99 cents.
Connie Corcoran Wilson
CEO, Quad Cities’ Learning, Inc.
dba Quad City Press
Twitter: Connie_C_Wilson
Shelley Hitz says
Connie – we don’t currently offer advertising but you can check out our book Author Publicity Pack for places to advertise your book:
Shelley Hitz says
I just added your site. Thanks!
FreeDiscountBooks says
Could you add to your list? We list and promote .99 books. It is a paid service, but your book stays on the site for up to a year, not just a few days. 🙂 We also offer a submission service to submit books to other .99 sites.
Heather Hart says
Thanks! We’ve updated our post to include this link.
Goodness Nwokolo says
Hello, I love what you are doing
but I really need your help. I have had of some websites such as
Bookbub, ENT, Booktweeting services of which some authors have used to
promote their book. I am very confused. I will like you to tell me which
website/blog is best, most effective, affordable and efficient for
authors to promote Bargain kindle eBooks
Shelley Hitz says
From our experience, BookBub is the most effective but is also difficult to get approved. ENT Bargain book of the day has also been a successful promotion for us, but you do need at least 10 reviews prior to submitting to them. Thanks!
Tyler Kendall says is a great site for promoting titles under $5. They offer genre pricing, and they don’t have a review requirement. They’re great for new and indie authors looking to gain an audience.
Shelley Hitz says
Thanks! I just added them. What have been your results using Bargain Booksy?
Jim Liston says has an updated listing of free and discounted eBooks.
Jason says
Authors – You can also submit your book to
Shelley Hitz says
Carrie, thank you for letting us know! These sites are changing all the time.
Gary Webb says
Promote your books for promotion here. Regardless of price, there is no cost for this site! If you have a limited time discount, please note that so that readers don’t waste time.
clivegill says
Members note: This is a NON-FICTION SITE!
David Throop says
Thanks Heather for the list of resources! I just published a short story on Kindle and was looking for a post such as this!
Has anyone been successful with Twitter ads or Facebook ads? Or are resources such as the ones you list more important since that’s where ebook readers already are at?
Robin Koi says
For more resources, there are Amazon ebooks that give huge lists of free and paid promotion sites including social media. Just do a search for ebooks “promote ebook free.” I’m not sure how effective paid ads are, but why not start with the freebies and work up to paid ads.
Shelley Hitz says
Thanks for sharing! Do you have a particular book you’ve found helpful?
Fire and Ice Book Promos says
We offer e-book advertising at only $5 at Fire and Ice Book Promos! We promote Indie and traditionally published authors!
Jon Symons says
Good resources. Some of them have changed their policies, or gone out of business. Wow, a lot changes in 2 years in the ebook business.
Shelley Hitz says
Thanks! I just updated the list 🙂
Maxine West says
Here is another site that is quite useful for free and 99c promotions:
Chico Montenegro says
I already used this, and really like!
David says
Thanks for this useful information!
I recommend this site to promote ebooks for free:
eBook Christian says
Please consider adding our website, to your “Places for Christian Authors to Promote their 99 cent eBooks” section. Thank you.
Low cost author marketing and book promotion:
eBook Christian says
Please consider adding our website, to your “Places for Christian Authors to Promote their 99 cent eBooks” section.
Low cost author marketing and book promotion:
Jacqueline R says
I’m preparing for a couple of 99 cent promo and considering purchasing the Kdroi soft for ease of submitting my promos, but I was wondering if the sites listed in the software are also submissions to free sites for promo?
I’ll being running 99 cent promos for:
National Recovery Month and Domestic Violence Awareness Month
so it is important that I’m able to submit to a large number of websites at little or no cost.
Shelley Hitz says
Yes, the software is for free and 99cent promotions 🙂
Gene J. Horton says
I have just launched my e-Book. This will be very helpful to market and sell my e-Book.
Thanks again and Have a great week ahead!
Shelley Hitz says
You’re welcome!
David says
Great article!
I use some of this site to promote my book, but some are new to me, I will give them a try 🙂
One more good choise to add for free ebook promo :
fabiana says
I just loved this article. Helped me a lot
Sabonete Artesanal says
This article helped me a lot!! I really loved it!!