Are you ready to sell more books during the biggest book buying season of the year, Christmas?
In this training, I share how I will help you get ready over the next 90 days.
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What’s Coming Up
Last year, we did a 90-day push to publish our books before the biggest book buying season of the year, Christmas.
And it was a HUGE success.
Many authors published their books and accomplished so much.
This year, we are doing a 90-day accountability group all around the topic of book marketing and selling more books.
You can still choose to focus on writing and publishing your book by going through my PUBLISH module, but if you already have a book published, I recommend that you join us to focus on selling more books during the biggest book buying season of the year, Christmas.
90-Day Accountability Group
How does it work?
Starting in September, every Wednesday at 3pm EST, our education coordinator, Kim Steadman, will meet with you inside the private Facebook group for Author Audience Academy.
It will be a time to share your goals, what you accomplished and get help for where you are stuck.
Whether it’s weight loss, paying off debt or publishing and marketing books; accountability WORKS! It simply works.
I hope you’ll join us!
If you’re not a member yet, you can join us here:
90-Day Platform Plan
I have created a brand new 90-day Platform Plan with a suggested strategy for using the training inside Author Audience Academy to sell more books.
You can find it inside the PLATFORM module here
Marketing Minute Training
Along with the 90-day book marketing map, we will also be starting something brand new this September.
So fun!
It’s called the Marketing Minute Training (MMT).
Our education coordinator, Kim Steadman, will be creating short 5-minute videos covering one marketing task each week.
Then, our plan is for it to only take 10 minutes for you to actually implement the MMT action for your book.
That’s a total of 15 minutes per week.
Our goal with the MMT is to create small bite-size marketing actions that correspond with that month’s overall 90-Day Platform Plan activities. That way, for these first 90-Days, every single MMT action is a piece in the 90-Day Platform Plan so no one feels overwhelmed!
Do you have 15 minutes per week?
If so, we’ve got you covered with the new Marketing Minute Training that you can watch AND implement in just 15 minutes per week. Woot!
VIP Day: The Author Automation System
This month, inside Author Audience Academy, we will have a full VIP Day instead of the Clarity Call. This is an extra bonus for all members and is a real world value of $199.
I will be sharing this same information in Canada next month where authors are paying $199 to attend. However, you get this as a bonus to your membership. Woot!
Date: August 31, 2017
Time: 9am – 4pm mountain (11am – 6pm eastern)
Get the link to join and download the worksheets here.
There is so much excitement happening this Fall inside Author Audience Academy.
Are you in?
If you’re a current member, you’re set and ready to go.
Have you been on the fence about joining? If so, I recommend you join us for these amazing Fall events that will help prepare you to sell more books this Christmas season.
You can join us today for just $177/quarter or $499/year here:
p.s. My heart is truly to help you get results. I see so many authors struggle with marketing their books and want to help you move forward. Let’s do this together along with an amazing community of hundreds of authors.
Join us here:
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