It triggered my fear.
Last weekend my husband CJ and I were out on the trails for a bike/run. I bike, he runs.
We were looking for a new trail in Boulder, CO and got lost trying to find it. I was riding along a road in a neighborhood that doesn’t have a shoulder.
Plus, there were cars parked along the street. Thus, when I went to pass a car around a curve, it put me in a dangerous position.
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It Triggered my Fear
The cars coming behind me on the curve wouldn’t be able to see me until the last minute.
It triggered my fear.
You see, my cousin, Adam, was killed while riding his bike when he was just a teenager. He was hit by a car while riding in a neighborhood close to his home.
I know that his situation and my situation were very different. But it still triggered my fear back to the surface again.
The emotions raged and I froze.
I had tears in my eyes just thinking about Adam’s death.
So I took a deep breath and decided to cross the street to ride on the sidewalk instead.
After a few minutes, I was able to talk about it to CJ and before long, we found the trail.
Still, it reminded me that current events can often trigger emotions from the past and paralyze us.
As an author, you may have had a failed book launch and are now afraid to try another launch again.
You may have dozens of manuscripts started (and some even finished). But the fear of what others will think keeps them unpublished and gathering dust on your hard drive.
Or maybe you hear the words of someone from your past telling you that you’re not good enough or will never succeed. It could have been a teacher or a family member or a friend.
Whatever it is for you, I want you to take a deep breath and reflect on what triggers the fear within you.
Then, feel your feelings and look at the situation with new eyes again.
- What are your options?
- What would be possible if you tried again?
- Who could be helped if you finished your book?
I truly believe mindset issues are the things that are holding most of us back when it comes to writing, self-publishing, and marketing our books.
That’s why I address mindset within my coaching program, Author Audience Academy.
I help you deal with the feeling of overwhelm and encourage you through your fears. I will provide the support and accountability you need to cross the finish line.
I even pray for each of my members by name every week.
What’s holding you back today?
I’m available to help you work through the barriers you face inside my private Facebook group for Author Audience Academy.
I’ve re-opened the doors this week and you can join now here:
Please know you are not alone. And know that there is another way.
Just like when I crossed the street and rode my bike on the sidewalk out of harm’s way. There is another option for you.
Pray, reflect, and make the decision today to cross the street.
Join us here:
End Note: Emotions are not Bad
Isn’t it amazing how easily our emotions can get triggered? It might be a simple post you see on social media, a song you hear, or even a certain smell.
My cousin died almost 20 years ago and I can still feel the grief and pain rise to the surface on occasion. Emotions aren’t bad. They are healthy. It’s important to feel the pain, grieve, and get outside help if needed.
My aunt has said that she has been able to get through the pain of losing a child, but will never fully get over it. I’m sure many of you can relate to her statement.
I just said a prayer for any of you grieving a loved one today. Hugs to you!
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