Today’s topic: 3 Ways to Renew Your Commitment to Publish Your Book
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Notes from this episode:
Do you have a book that you’ve started but you’ve struggled to finish? If so, today we want to share with you three ways to renew your commitment to write so you can click the publish button.
Ready to dive in?
- Remember the reason you write. What is your why?
When you have a strong purpose behind your writing, it will help you overcome the resistance we all face as a writer and the difficult days.
- Who are you writing for?
Who is your target audience? I want you to picture one person who is your ideal reader. If possible, choose someone you know from real life. Write down who this person is and why your book would be impactful to them.
This will serve as a reminder of why you write and that your readers are waiting for you to finish your book. Start praying for your future readers and the impact your book will have on their lives.
- Write out your commitment to God and yourself and your future readers.
Write this out with pen and paper and post it where you can see it every day.
I am committed to writing and publishing my book (INSERT TENTATIVE BOOK TITLE HERE) by (INSERT DATE). ______________________ (add your signature)
If you write out this commitment and sign it, let us know!
Book Writing Lab
Get your book out of your head and onto paper using our 3 proven book writing formulas
…and then create a writing plan to finish your first draft.
We just launched our brand new workshop, Book Writing Lab, and you can get in today for just $27. WooHoo!
Get started here:
Watch the Video Below:
We hope this episode encourages and inspires you in your writing.
Share Your Breakthroughs
Share what impacted you from this post and any breakthroughs God gave you as a result in the comments below.
Winsome Faith Stewart says
I have printed out this commitment
Shelley Hitz says
Awesome Winsome! Love it!