This episode is part of the Finisher series. We originally recorded these teachings inside our Christian Book Academy Facebook group as live videos. However, we wanted to also encourage you in the writing, publishing, and marketing of your books.
Today’s topic is: The Benefits of Independent Publishing (Self-Publishing)
“Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written.” – John 21:25
“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” Acts 4:13 (NIV)
“Mary responded, ‘I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.’ And then the angel left her.” Luke 1:38 NLT
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Notes from this episode:
This semester we felt led to add a one minute reflection time at the end of each live video for you to hear from God and I’m so glad we did. A couple of you mentioned how hearing from God last week changed your course of action.
Jan said she heard from God, “Relax. There is no rush as you have waited this long. Be careful and do it well. Lean on Me. I will show you how.” She said, “I felt a wave of real peace. I tend to go full out but He said take your time. I needed to hear that. Even more, prayer is needed now that I have taken this step. I must listen to Him.”
Debi said, “I’m adding writing to my first draft on what God told me to add during prayer last Wednesday. I had never thought about it. Praise God. It will make it more interactive.”
Today’s topic: The Benefits of Independent Publishing
“Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written.” – John
- Some might think there are enough books out there and who are they to add anything of value?
- The reality is that the content of what we could write regarding Jesus is limitless and we could never have enough! His vastness is beyond our comprehension
- Many will be impacted by your book(s) more than you could imagine
Years ago, you had to go into a brick and mortar bookstore to buy the books you wanted. Now, you can buy books online from Amazon and other retailers.
Not only that, but you can buy books electronically in various formats. Using the Kindle app on your phone or on a Kindle device. You can buy books and begin reading them in seconds. Talk about instant gratification!
We can all see that times are changing in the world of publishing—and rapidly.
As the way we buy and read books changes, so does publishing.
- No longer is it necessary to submit your book to a long list of publishers. And endure rejection after rejection.
- No longer is it necessary to invest thousands of dollars in self-published books that will sit in boxes in your garage for years.
- No longer is it necessary to pay a publisher thousands of dollars to self-publish your book (this is commonly known as “vanity publishing”).
Gone are those days.
eBook Platforms and Print-on-demand options
Say hello to eBook platforms and print on demand options for publishing print books
Print on demand (POD) technology has changed the way print books are published. Instead of printing hundreds or even thousands of books and storing them in a warehouse. Print-on-demand companies print copies of your book one at a time as your book is ordered.
- CJ’s interest in writing led to attending the Montrose Christian Writer’s Conference in PA. He met someone who published a devotion called “Penned from the Heart”
We teach independent publishing in CBA.
Self-Publishing has gotten a bad reputation in some people’s eyes because of the poor quality that sometimes goes out. We teach you what you need to know to create a book you’re proud of.
In the end, someone could pick up your book and also a traditionally published book and not know which one was independently published.
The standard in the past has been traditional publishing but that is beginning to change.
It makes me think of Jesus and how he did things differently than the standard of that time. Like choosing disciples who didn’t make it in the regular education system. Unschooled and ordinary men.
“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.”
We’re not saying you should never pursue a traditional publisher for your book. If that’s the dream God has given you, as we talked about last week, then go for it. But make sure you’re not trying to simply live up to expectations of others or what you think will validate you as a writer in the world.
Do what God is calling you to do.
The Benefits of Independent Publishing (Self-Publishing)
- Royalties: You don’t have to share your royalties with a publisher. Plus, you typically only get paid a couple of times a year with a traditional publisher vs. monthly as an independently published author. Typically, you can make more money selling 100 books as an indie author than traditionally published authors can make selling 1,000 books.
- Control: When you independently publish, you can keep 100% of the creative control of your book. This means you don’t have to make changes that would go against your beliefs and/or interests. Plus, you keep control of every part of the book which allows you to participate in marketing campaigns and promotions that aren’t available to traditionally published authors. This also gives you control of your book’s pricing which allows you to price your book competitively in the marketplace.
- Time: On average it takes 24 months to go from an edited manuscript to a book being published and arriving in bookstores with traditional publishing. In the same two-year period, an independent author can potentially write, publish, and promote three titles.
- We teach you how to hire the right people for your book project within your budget for the editing, book cover design, and formatting. This allows you to focus on what you do best – writing your book! We’ll talk about this more next week
One minute reflection: What is God saying to you today?
Picture: Hand glider
I’m sure most of you, and even most of your friends and family, have never used a hand glider. I haven’t. It’s something different. If your friends and family saw you up in the sky on a hang glider today, they might try to talk you out of it. Or try to get you to come down to their level because they don’t understand it. Many times we fear what we don’t understand.
It’s like the eagle hanging out with the turkeys that I mentioned last week.
Sometimes we are afraid of being different. And so we simply try to blend in order to be accepted.
I heard it said, that people accept what is the same. But they will eventually respect what is different.
Mary and Joseph’s pregnancy was most likely misunderstood by most people. But they both had heard from God. And had a peace about what His purpose was for their lives.
As you take the step to independently publish a book you may very well be misunderstood. Will you stay on the ground in order to be accepted by those around you or will you trust what God has told you about this book and be ready to fly no matter what others say?
Mary chose to fly. She “responded, ‘I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.’ And then the angel left her.” Luke
Choose to fly today.
Close in prayer
Instrumental music used with permission: “My Loving Kindness” by Tammy Sorenson. Find out more at
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